I-2-1-14.Appeals Council Requests Missing Paper Claim(s) File

Last Update: 6/9/14 (Transmittal I-2-110)

Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) staff will make every attempt to obtain a missing paper claim(s) file before remanding a case to the hearing level for that reason. For detailed OAO procedures, see Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law manual I-3-1-23.

When applicable, OAO staff will request that the servicing hearing office (HO) look for a missing claim(s) file by sending an email to the general hearing office mailbox (i.e., OAO will use the ^OHO R[region number] email box in the global address book). The emails will have the subject line “Missing Paper File.” To provide the best possible customer service to the public and to save resources by avoiding unnecessary remands, HO staff must be vigilant in responding to these requests.

In most offices, the Hearing Office Director (HOD) is responsible for maintaining the general hearing office mailbox. On receipt of a missing claim(s) file email, the HOD or his/her designee will direct HO staff to immediately look for the claim(s) file in the HO. If the claim(s) file is found, HO staff will send the claim(s) file to OAO. If HO staff does not locate the claim(s) file, the HOD will notify the requesting OAO staff by email within 10 days of the email request.