Number: 111- 61
Date: December 8, 2010
The House Passes S. 3789,
Social Security Number Protection Act of 2010
Social Security Number Protection Act of 2010
On December 8, 2010, the House passed S. 3789, the “Social Security Number Protection Act of 2010,” by voice vote, clearing the measure for the President. The House-passed bill contains the same provisions of interest as passed by the Senate on September 28, 2010 (see Legislative Bulletin 111-53).
The bill includes the following provisions of interest to SSA:
Prohibition of Use of Social Security Account Numbers on Checks Issued for Payment by Governmental Agencies
- Would prohibit the display of the Social Security account number, or a derivation of such number, on any check issued by a Federal, State, or local agency.
Would be effective with respect to checks issued 3 years after the date of enactment.
Prohibition of Inmate Access to Social Security Account Numbers
- Would prohibit any Federal, State, or local agency from employing, or entering into a contract for the use or employment of, prisoners in any capacity that would allow them access to the Social Security numbers of other individuals.
Would be effective 1 year after the date of enactment.