OASDI Monthly Statistics, April 2007

Awards of OASDI Benefits Table 10. DI benefits, by type of beneficiary, April 2006–April 2007
Month All beneficiaries Disabled workers Spouses Children
Number (thousands)
April 118 68 4 45
May 112 67 4 41
June 114 70 4 40
July 116 73 4 39
August 119 73 4 41
September 122 74 4 43
October 124 76 4 43
November 122 73 4 45
December 79 48 3 28
January 95 59 4 32
February 103 64 4 35
March 116 70 4 43
April 119 72 4 42
Average monthly benefit (dollars)
April 677.70 993.00 249.20 238.00
May 692.10 994.70 247.90 239.30
June 705.10 997.20 256.70 237.90
July 716.60 998.90 255.00 242.50
August 708.90 995.90 254.20 247.90
September 706.90 1,001.00 263.50 252.60
October 716.70 1,001.80 256.40 259.80
November 694.80 986.40 256.30 257.50
December 737.90 1,025.20 271.30 291.30
January 746.30 1,028.30 273.90 290.40
February 747.30 1,023.20 275.10 282.50
March 719.20 1,018.60 266.50 272.60
April 729.00 1,025.90 267.80 268.70
SOURCE: Social Security Administration, Master Beneficiary Record, 100 percent data.
NOTES: Award actions are processed not only for new beneficiaries but also for persons already on the rolls whose benefits in one category are terminated but who become entitled to another type of benefit. These actions are called conversions and are included in the data.
Beginning with April 2007, individuals whose benefits have been reinstated under the Expedited Reinstatement provisions are no longer included. Therefore, the statistics reported in this publication differ from those reported by the Office of the Chief Actuary.
CONTACT: Jessica Guillory (410) 966-6543 or oasdi.monthly@ssa.gov for further information.