State and Local Coverage Handbook for State Social Security Administrators
The State and Local Coverage Handbook (SLCH) is a reference manual developed by the Social Security Administration (SSA) for State Social Security Administrators to use in administering the Social Security and Medicare coverage provisions under Sections 210 and 218 of the Social Security Act. The SLCH is used also by SSA regional and field office staff responsible for working directly with the States in administering the State and local coverage program.
The Social Security and Medicare coverage provisions for State and local government employees are complex and unique. To administer the State and local coverage program requires the knowledge and understanding of Section 218 Agreements, the mandatory Social Security and Medicare coverage provisions under the Federal Insurance Contributions Act (FICA), State laws and how all these interrelate to provide Social Security and Medicare coverage to public employees.
Although SSA regulations require States to designate a State official to act on the State's behalf in administering the State's Section 218 Agreement, there is no comparable requirement in administering the mandatory Social Security and Medicare coverage provisions. However, it is important for States to understand how the Section 218 and mandatory coverage provisions are interrelated.
The SLCH is available online and can be reached by clicking the following
link - State
and Local Coverage Handbook.