ALJ Disposition Data FY 2024
(For Reporting Purposes: 09/30/2023 through 08/30/2024)

A listing of hearings completion data by name of individual administrative law judges (ALJ) for all ALJs in the Office of Hearings Operations. The data includes hearing office name, total dispositions, decisions, allowances, denials and fully favorable or partially favorable decisions.

An office or individual not included indicates there was no report-specific data for that office or individual for the report period.

NOTE:  This report contains raw data from SSA’s Case Processing and Management System without regard to the amount of time Administrative Law Judges’ devote to actual adjudication. In other words, factors which would affect the number of dispositions (e.g., management/administrative responsibilities, special assignments, part-time status, union representational duties, retirements, deaths or extended leave, etc.) have not been taken into account.

ALJ statistics are provided by hearing office. ALJs may work in multiple hearing offices.

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ALJ Disposition Data Not Sorted
Judge Office Total Dispositions Total ALJ
Across All Offices
Decisions Awards Denials Fully Favorable Partially Favorable


* Satellite Offices reported separately from their parent office.

Disclaimer: These data are being made publicly available for research purposes. Any findings and conclusions derived from analyses of these data are attributable to the researcher(s) and do not reflect those of the Social Security Administration.