Facts About Our Region
- We have 2,353 employees located in the Regional Office, the Mid-America Program Service Center, teleservice centers and field offices.
- The 163 employees of the Kansas City Regional Office coordinate Social Security regional operations and provide administrative support for Social Security components.
- The 992 employees of the Mid-America Program Service Center (MAMPSC) provide monthly checks and maintain payment records for more than 12 million people who receive about $20.7 billion in benefits each month based on Social Security numbers issued in 11 states.
- The Kansas City Teleservice Center and their 255 employees are part of the world's largest 800 number network, providing toll-free service nationwide.
- The 68 field offices in Iowa, Kansas, Missouri, and Nebraska and their 943 employees serve 3.2 million people who receive monthly benefits totaling more than $5.1 billion.