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Social Security Online
Benefit Calculators
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Estimate Your Benefit

Updated November 16, 2006
Quick Calculator
(Aquí en Español)
Provides rough estimates of your retirement benefit. Also provides estimated disability and survivor benefits if you die or become disabled today.
Online Calculator
(Aquí en Español)
To use the Online Calculator, you must have a copy of your earnings record because you will need to enter your covered earnings for each year. This calculator is more accurate than the Quick Calculator. (The Online Calculator requires that your browser be JavaScript-enabled.)

A special-purpose version of the Online Calculator provides benefit estimates under the Windfall Elimination Provision (WEP) for those who receive a pension from work not covered by Social Security.

Detailed Calculator To use this program, you need to install it on your computer. This program is the most powerful of the three and is capable of computing any type of Social Security benefit.
Calculator Question? Contact with your question. Be sure to include the name of the Calculator pertaining to your question.

Related information

Request a Social Security Statement To make the best use of either of our calculators, you should have a record of your earnings.
Effect of early retirement on benefits If you are under your normal retirement age when you choose to begin receiving benefits, your benefit will be reduced.
Effect of earnings on benefits If you are under your normal retirement age and you continue to work while receiving benefits, you may be subject to the retirement earnings test. We can show the effect of your earnings on your benefits.
How we compute retirement benefits
  ♦ Illustrative examples
Basis for retirement benefit computations
Indexing factors Approximate factors used to adjust earnings for a selected eligibility year
Actuarial Publications Automatic Increases Estimate Your Benefit Beneficiary Data Trust Fund Data Actuaries at SSA
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