Disabled worker beneficiaries in current payment status at the end of
December 2024, distributed by age and sex

  Sex of beneficiary
 Total Men Women
Age Number Average
Number Average
Number Average
20 & under 2,002 $731.11 1,204 $745.40 798 $709.55
21 2,633 802.01 1,604 813.77 1,029 783.67
22 4,593 862.11 2,778 868.44 1,815 852.43
23 6,746 902.71 4,059 913.96 2,687 885.71
24 9,590 942.00 5,754 943.24 3,836 940.14
25 11,724 977.34 7,072 981.80 4,652 970.55
26 14,121 1,006.15 8,292 1,008.84 5,829 1,002.33
27 15,788 1,036.69 9,301 1,037.51 6,487 1,035.51
28 18,125 1,055.44 10,529 1,057.59 7,596 1,052.47
29 20,396 1,076.67 11,733 1,082.59 8,663 1,068.66
30 23,337 1,094.99 13,427 1,095.27 9,910 1,094.61
31 26,117 1,115.60 14,708 1,120.36 11,409 1,109.46
32 28,994 1,126.09 16,092 1,131.03 12,902 1,119.93
33 32,534 1,147.33 17,897 1,156.45 14,637 1,136.19
34 36,623 1,159.02 19,843 1,175.30 16,780 1,139.77
35 39,969 1,176.84 21,612 1,199.04 18,357 1,150.71
36 43,954 1,199.10 23,647 1,225.04 20,307 1,168.90
37 48,851 1,216.49 25,856 1,243.19 22,995 1,186.46
38 54,877 1,237.75 29,069 1,269.66 25,808 1,201.80
39 61,237 1,260.15 32,119 1,295.60 29,118 1,221.04
40 66,789 1,278.83 35,143 1,315.44 31,646 1,238.18
41 73,251 1,300.97 38,132 1,337.48 35,119 1,261.33
42 81,406 1,314.90 41,697 1,357.98 39,709 1,269.66
43 88,554 1,338.33 44,898 1,381.52 43,656 1,293.91
44 97,194 1,360.02 48,270 1,407.82 48,924 1,312.85
45 102,607 1,378.35 50,874 1,436.59 51,733 1,321.08
46 106,797 1,391.30 52,522 1,452.14 54,275 1,332.42
47 113,986 1,416.88 55,359 1,484.80 58,627 1,352.74
48 116,670 1,430.20 56,396 1,503.88 60,274 1,361.27
49 124,168 1,448.72 59,507 1,530.44 64,661 1,373.52
50 136,619 1,472.11 65,526 1,567.77 71,093 1,383.94
51 151,438 1,484.57 72,183 1,591.66 79,255 1,387.02
52 172,053 1,503.39 82,452 1,621.09 89,601 1,395.07
53 202,249 1,526.57 97,163 1,651.49 105,086 1,411.07
54 227,033 1,548.93 109,267 1,683.25 117,766 1,424.31
55 243,086 1,567.19 118,339 1,710.17 124,747 1,431.55
56 265,960 1,579.90 130,034 1,733.49 135,926 1,432.96
57 292,027 1,595.81 143,377 1,757.94 148,650 1,439.43
58 325,875 1,617.79 161,224 1,784.56 164,651 1,454.49
59 369,613 1,629.59 181,908 1,805.42 187,705 1,459.18
60 423,645 1,648.85 209,837 1,832.98 213,808 1,468.14
61 457,899 1,669.82 227,838 1,862.26 230,061 1,479.23
62 494,248 1,694.06 247,511 1,893.40 246,737 1,494.09
63 528,018 1,717.51 266,047 1,925.65 261,971 1,506.13
64 545,233 1,736.15 275,724 1,953.23 269,509 1,514.06
65 552,383 1,756.39 280,635 1,979.38 271,748 1,526.11
66 370,135 1,759.42 188,311 1,985.49 181,824 1,525.28
Total 7,231,147 1,580.79 3,616,770 1,731.44 3,614,377 1,430.03
Note: Age 66 is the maximum age due to the automatic conversion to retired worker status upon attainment of normal retirement age.

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