Table I.H1. - OASDI Income and Cost Rates for 25-Year Periods

                             Income rate  Cost rate    Balance
  1996-2020.................       12.74      12.63       0.11
  2021-2045.................       13.10      16.89      -3.79
  2046-2070.................       13.26      18.11      -4.86
Low Cost:
  1996-2020.................       12.70      11.24       1.65
  2021-2045.................       12.97      13.86       -.89
  2046-2070.................       13.02      13.27       -.25
High Cost:
  1996-2020.................       12.78      14.15      -1.37
  2021-2045.................       13.27      20.51      -7.24
  2046-2070.................       13.61      25.28     -11.67

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Last Modified: 09:30am, July 10, 1996