Table II.C1. - Statement of Operations of the OASI Trust Fund During Fiscal Year 1995
[In thousands]

Total assets, September 30, 1994...............                    $416,335,276 
    Employment taxes...........................    $289,304,014 

    Payments from general fund of the Treasury
      representing employee-employer contri-
      butions on deemed wage credits for
      military service.........................         224,712
      Net contributions........................                     289,528,726 
  Income from taxation of benefit payments:
    Withheld from benefit payments to non-
      resident aliens..........................         121,485 
    All other, not subject to withholding......       4,993,000 
      Total income from taxation of benefits...                       5,114,485 
  Reimbursement from general fund of the
    Treasury for costs of payments to uninsured
    persons who attained age 72 before 1968....                           6,994 
  Investment income and interest adjustments:
    Interest on investments....................      31,842,081
    Interest on transfers to the general fund
      account for the Supplemental Security
      Income program due to adjustment in allo-
      cation of administrative expenses........           5,799
    Interest on interfund transfers due to
      adjustment in allocation of administra-
      tive expenses............................             594
      Gross investment income and interest
        adjustments............................      31,848,474
    Less interest paid to the DI Trust Fund for
      the reallocation of the OASDI tax rate
      retroactive to January 1, 1994...........         431,838
      Net investment income and interest
        adjustments............................                      31,416,636 
  Gifts........................................                              54 
Total receipts.................................                     326,066,896

  Benefit payments:
    Gross benefit payments.....................     289,489,856
    Less collected overpayments................         829,406
    Less reimbursement from general fund for
      unnegotiated checks......................          53,902
      Net benefit payments.....................                     288,606,549
  Transfer to the Railroad Retirement "Social
    Security Equivalent Benefit Account".......                       4,052,332
  Administrative expenses:
    Social Security Administration.............       1,566,111
    Department of Health and Human Services....           7,958
    Department of the Treasury.................         225,314
      Gross administrative expenses............       1,799,383
    Less reimbursements from general fund of
      the Treasury for costs of furnishing
      information on deferred vested pension
      benefits.................................           1,360
    Less receipts from sales of supplies,
      materials, etc...........................             576
      Net administrative expenses..............                       1,797,448
Total disbursements............................                     294,456,329
Net increase in assets.........................                      31,610,567
Total assets, September 30, 1995...............                     447,945,843
Note: Totals do not necessarily equal the sums of rounded components.

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Last Modified: 09:30am, July 5, 1996