206.Currently Insured Status Defined
206.1When do you have currently insured status?
“Currently insured status” may be all that is needed for you to receive some types of benefits (see §211).
A person is currently insured if he or she has at least six Social Security credits during the full 13-quarter period ending with the calendar quarter in which he or she:
Most recently became entitled to disability benefits; or
Became entitled to retirement insurance benefits.
(See §201.2 for additional requirements if you are an alien worker and you were assigned an original Social Security number on or after January 1, 2004.)
206.2How is the 13-quarter period determined?
Calendar quarters, all or part of which are in an established prior period of disability, are generally not counted. However, the first or last quarter of the prior period of disability may be counted if the quarter is used as a credit. (For exception, see §209.)
Last Revised: Aug. 9, 2005