309.What is the effect of violating State-imposed restrictions on remarriage?
The status of your remarriage following a divorce is affected under the following conditions:
If you remarry before a judgment or an interlocutory divorce decree that dissolves your prior marriage becomes final, your remarriage is generally void in all States;
If a State imposes a restriction against remarriage after a final divorce and you remarry in that State in violation of its restriction, generally that State considers your remarriage void; or
If you remarry in another State, your remarriage is generally considered valid in all States unless:
The State where you either obtained the divorce or got remarried denies recognition of a marriage by a party who goes to another State in order to avoid the restrictions; or
The State where you got remarried prohibits marriages of residents of other States that would be void if the marriage took place in the your home State.
Last Revised: Feb. 6, 2003