§ 403.125. How will we handle requests for records, information, or testimony involving SSA's Office of the Inspector General?

A request for records or information of the Office of the Inspector General or the testimony of an employee of the Office of the Inspector General will be handled in accordance with the provisions of this part, except that the Inspector General or the Inspector General's designee will make those determinations that the Commissioner otherwise would make. Send your request for records or information pertaining to the Office of the Inspector General or your application for testimony of an employee of the Office of the Inspector General to: Office of the Inspector General, Social Security Administration, 6401 Security Boulevard, Room 3-ME-1, Baltimore, MD 21235. Requests may also be sent via email to SSA.OIG.Touhy.Requests@ssa.gov.

[66 FR 2809, Jan. 12, 2001, as amended at 88 FR 1329, Jan. 10, 2023]