§ 404.1283. Exceptions to the time limitations on credits or refunds—for wages paid prior to 1987.
(a)(1) Extension by agreement. The applicable time period described in § 404.1282 for filing a claim for credit for, or refund of, an overpayment may, before the expiration of such period, be extended for no more than 6 months by written agreement between the State and the Commissioner. The agreement must involve and identify a known issue or reporting error. It must also identify the periods involved, the time limitation which is being extended and the date to which it is being extended, and the coverage group(s) and position(s) or individual(s) to which the agreement applies. The extension of the period of limitation shall not become effective until the agreement is signed by the appropriate State official and the Commissioner. (See § 404.3(c) for the applicable rule where periods of limitation expire on nonwork days.) A claim for credit or refund filed by the State before the extended time limit ends shall be considered to have been filed within the time period limitation specified in section 218(r)(1) of the Act as it read prior to the enactment of Pub. L. 99-509. (See § 404.1282.)
(2) Reextension. An extension agreement provided for in paragraph (a)(1) of this section may be reextended by written agreement between the State and the Commissioner for no more than 6 months at a time beyond the expiration of the prior extension or reextension agreement, and only if one of the following conditions is met:
(i) Litigation (including intrastate litigation) or a review under §§ 404.1290 or 404.1297 involving wage reports or corrections on the same issue is pending; or
(ii) The State is actively pursuing corrections of a known error which require additional time to complete; or
(iii) The Social Security Administration is developing a coverage or wage issue which was being considered before the statute of limitations expired and additional time is needed to make a determination; or
(iv) The Social Security Administration has not issued to the State a final audit statement on the State's wage or correction reports; or
(v) There is pending Federal legislation which may substantially affect the issue in question, or the issue has national implications.
(b) Deletion of wage entry on employee's earnings record. If the Commissioner, under section 205(c)(5) (A), (B), or (E) of the Act, deletes a wage entry on an individual's earnings record, a claim for credit or refund of the overpayment resulting from the deletion is considered filed within the applicable time limitations in § 404.1282 if
(1) The State files the claim before the Commissioner's decision regarding the deletion of the wage entry from the individual's earnings record becomes final or
(2) The State files a claim regarding the deletion of the wage entry from the individual's earnings record which entry is erroneous because of fraud.
[53 FR 32976, Aug. 29, 1988, as amended at 62 FR 38451, July 18, 1997]