Appendix IV to Subpart C of Part 404—Earnings Needed for a Year of Coverage After 1950

Minimum Social Security Earnings to Qualify for a Year of Coverage After 1950 for Purposes of the—
Year Special minimum primary insurance amount Benefit computations described in section 404.213(d)2
1951-1954 $900 $900
1955-1958 1,050 1,050
1959-1965 1,200 1,200
1966-1967 1,650 1,650
1968-1971 1,950 1,950
1972 2,250 2,250
1973 2,700 2,700
1974 3,300 3,300
1975 3,525 3,525
1976 3,825 3,825
1977 4,125 4,125
1978 4,425 4,425
1979 4,725 4,725
1980 5,100 5,100
1981 5,550 5,550
1982 6,075 6,075
1983 6,675 6,675
1984 7,050 7,050
1985 7,425 7,425
1986 7,875 7,875
1987 8,175 8,175
1988 8,400 8,400
1989 8,925 8,925
1990 9,525 9,525
1991 5,940 9,900
1992 6,210 10,350

Note:  For 1951-78, the amounts shown are 25 percent of the contribution and benefit base (the contribution and benefit base is the same as the annual wage limitation as shown in § 404.1047) in effect. For years after 1978, however, the amounts are 25 percent of what the contribution and benefit base would have been if the 1977 Social Security Amendments had not been enacted, except, for special minimum benefit purposes, the applicable percentage is 15 percent for years after 1990.

[57 FR 44096, Sept. 24, 1992]