I-2-8-45.Case Processing and Management System Case Routing

Last Update: 8/17/15 (Transmittal I-2-149)

The assigned hearing office (HO) staff must accurately enter the information designated by the administrative law judge (ALJ) in the Case Processing and Management System (CPMS), including:


The regulation basis code fields include a drop down menu. The impairment code area includes a hyperlink to available codes organized by body system, listing, or specific impairments.

Once case disposition data is entered into CPMS and the decision has been signed by the ALJ (see Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law manual I-2-8-43), CPMS will generate an electronic transmittal routing sheet when the CPMS record is closed if the claim(s) file is electronic. For paper cases, HO staff can create a routing sheet in CPMS by selecting “Find Routing” on the Hearing Level Disposition screen. The routing sheet can then be viewed or printed.