Chapter: I-1-600
Subject: Congressional Inquiries
This HALLEX chapter was prepared to provide uniform guidelines to use when responding to congressional inquiries.
These procedures explain the steps for hearing offices (HOs) to follow when responding to telephone and written congressional inquiries and provide sample language for the HOs to use when preparing congressional responses. They also provide guidelines for handling congressional inquiries received at Headquarters.
Remove from HALLEX, Volume I, Table of Contents:
Page 1, dated June 30, 1993, pages 2, and 2a dated November 18, 1993 (3 pages).
Insert in HALLEX, Volume I, Table of Contents:
Page 1, dated June 30, 1993 and pages 2, and 2a dated March 15, 1994 (3 pages).
Insert in Volume I, Division 1:
Table of Contents I-1-601 through I-1-690, dated March 15, 1994 (1 page).
Chapter I-1-600, Congressional Inquiries, dated March 15, 1994 (15 pages).
Date: March 15, 1994