Chapter: I-1-4
Subject: Information Disclosure
This transmittal updates chapter I-1-4 (Information Disclosure) to reflect that the FOIA/PA Staff in OHA is located within the Office of Policy, Planning and Evaluation. The former Division of Litigation Analysis and Implementation (DLAI) and the Office of Civil Actions (OCA) no longer exist.
I-1-4-3 C and I-1-4-3-G are revised to indicate that when direct access to a medical record may have an adverse effect on the individual to whom the medical report pertains, the individual must designate a responsible person to review and explain the records to the individual.
In I-1-4-3 D.2, a note was added to indicate that if the claimant or representative requests another copy of material after some time has passed after receiving the first free copy, there is a possibility of changes or additions to the file and, in such case, SSA does not charge for the copy as a second copy.
I-1-4-3 E is revised to reflect the information that must be contained in the individual's signed and dated consent statement for all third party requests for material.
I-1-4-4 has been updated to reflect that HALLEX is available and can be accessed by the public from SSA's web site, Social Security Online, using the Internet. We deleted the discussion regarding using the services of the National Technical Information Service (NTIS) to obtain copies of HALLEX material because this material is now available free of charge online.
Editorial revisions have been made throughout the chapter to update addresses, component designations and regulatory references.
Date: April 12, 2005