Chapter: I-1-1
Subject: Representation of Claimants
This transmittal amends section I-1-1-30 of the Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law (HALLEX) manual to update instructions for when a claimant has terminated a representative's appointment without notice to the representative. We also made other minor editorial changes.
This transmittal revises section I-1-1-30 as follows:
I-1-1-30 A – We made minor editorial changes.
I-1-1-30 B – We removed outdated information about the Appeals Council file and removed language stating that a field office would notify the representative when a claimant terminates a representative's appointment without notice. We inserted instructions explaining that when it appears the claimant does not provide a copy of the notice of revocation of appointment to his or her representative, hearing office or Appeals Council staff will send a copy of the claimant's writing to the representative.
Date: November 13, 2014