Chapter: I-2-4
Subject: Dismissals
This transmittal amends section I-2-4-55 of the Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law (HALLEX) manual to update and clarify procedures when the post office returns a dismissal action as “undeliverable” to a hearing office. These revisions were necessary for consistency with HALLEX I-2-4-25 and I-2-8-55.
We revised section I-2-4-55 as follows:
I-2-4-55 A – We changed the title to “Claimant's Copy Returned As Undeliverable.” We added a sub-subsection titled “Locating a New Address,” removed outdated instructions relating to querying public databases and records, and incorporated updated instructions consistent with recent changes to HALLEX I-2-4-25. We added two additional sub-subsections titled “Updated Address Located” and “Updated Address Not Located.” We made minor editorial changes to the language and incorporated appropriate instructions for electronic case processing.
I-2-4-55 B – We changed the title to “Representative's Copy Returned As Undeliverable.” We added an instruction that hearing office staff will first attempt to contact a representative by telephone if the representative's copy of a notice of dismissal and order of dismissal are returned as undeliverable. We made minor editorial and formatting changes and incorporated appropriate instructions for electronic case processing.
Date: January 13, 2015