Chapter: I-2-1
Subject: Prehearing Analysis and Case Workup
On November 7, 2008, the Office of the Chief Administrative Law Judge (OCALJ) issued Chief Judge's Bulletin (CJB) 08-07 to announce a change in our hearing level procedures when the sole reason for a remand from the Appeals Council was a lost or missing claims folder, or a missing recording of the hearing, and the file or recording was subsequently found. In this limited circumstance, the CJB announced a less burdensome process to request clarification from the Appeals Council called “Expedited Clarification Requests.” This transmittal incorporates CJB 08-07 into HALLEX instructions.
I-2-1-85.A: The heading of Section A was changed to more accurately reflect the purpose of the section after editorial and formatting changes. Language was added to distinguish between formal and expedited clarification requests. Additional examples were added to include common reasons for requests for clarification.
I-2-1-85.B: The heading of Section B is modified to distinguish between formal and expedited clarification requests. Additional information is included to reference Appeals Council review requirements. Other editorial and formatting changes are made to improve readability.
I-2-1-85.C: Section C is added to incorporate CJB 08-07 into these instructions.
I-2-1-85.D: Section D is added to incorporate the sample statement referenced in CJB 08-07.
Date: August 31, 2011