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Office of Hearings and Appeals

Volume I

Transmittal No. I-3-34

Chapter: I-3-8

Subject: Appeals Council Decisions


In September 2003, a complete revision and updated Division 4 of HALLEX was issued. I-4-3-116 contained updated information on the routing of favorable AC decisions after court remand. We are updating I-3-8-22 A. and adding I-3-8-90 and I-3-8-91 to reflect the updated routing instructions as they apply to non-court case decisions.

Explanation of Content and Changes

This transmittal revises I-3-8-22 A. to refer the user to I-3-8-90 and I-3-8-91.

Section I-3-8-90 Exhibit — Destination Codes and Addresses for Claim File Shipment in Favorable AC Decision Cases is being added. This new exhibit contains routing instructions for favorable AC decisions; instructions on completion of a route slip for AC decisions; instructions on completion of a Flag of AC Decision Codes; and a table of Program Service Center codes, addresses, and jurisdictions.

Section I-3-8-91 Exhibit — AC Decision Coding Sheet is being added. This new exhibit contains check boxes and fill-ins to be completed by the analyst. The completed flag is used by the support staff, when releasing the decision, to input coding data about the decision into the Office of Hearings and Appeals Case Control System.

Date: August 26, 2004