Chapter: I-3-0
Subject: Office of Appellate Operations and Appeals Council Functions
This transmittal adds section I-3-0-55 to the Hearings, Appeals and Litigation Law (HALLEX) manual. In this new section, we explain how the Appeals Council processes referrals from the Railroad Retirement Board.
Section I-3-0-55 is organized as follows:
I-3-0-55 A – We added a subsection titled “General” that explains how cases from the Railroad Retirement Board are referred to the Appeals Council and what actions are expected from the Appeals Council.
I-3-0-55 B – We added a subsection titled “Office of Appellate Operations (OAO) Staff Processing.” The subsection includes instructions for OAO staff on tracking a case, creating a file, preparing an analysis and response document, obtaining approval from the Appeals Council, and closing the case.
Date: November 20, 2014