410.When is a surviving child entitled to child's insurance benefits?
A surviving child is entitled to child's insurance benefits if the conditions below are met:
The worker-parent died either fully or currently insured;
The child is the child of the deceased;
The child is:
Under age 18;
Under age 19 and a full-time elementary or secondary school student; or
Age 18 or over and under a disability as defined in §507.1 (which began before age 22); and
The child was dependent upon the deceased parent (see§§ 334-337 for the dependency “tests”);
The child is not married; and
An application for child's insurance benefits is filed. (See §511 for completing application forms.)
NOTE: An application is not required if the child was entitled to child's insurance benefits on the deceased parent's earnings record for the month before the month in which the parent died.