
2004.1What is the first step in the administrative review process?

Generally, reconsideration is the first step in the administrative review process.

2004.2How is a request for reconsideration made?

To make a request for reconsideration, you (or another party) must show in writing that you are dissatisfied with the initial determination or that your rights may be adversely affected by the initial determination.

2004.3What is the deadline for requesting a reconsideration?

You must file a request for reconsideration in writing within 60 days after the date of receiving the notice of the initial determination (see §2001 and §2015).

2004.4What is reconsideration in Title II cases?

In Title II cases, reconsideration is a case review or, in medical cessation cases, a disability hearing. (See §2006 for more information.)

2004.5What is reconsideration in Title XVI cases?

In Title XVI cases, reconsideration is a case review, an informal conference, a formal conference, or in medical cessation cases, a disability hearing. See Section 2005.5 and Chapter 2192 for more information.

Last Revised: Nov. 16, 2010