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child's benefits, §339

disability benefits, §503, §504

father's benefits, §419

governmental pension, §1836

mother's benefits, §419

special age 72 payments, §348

spouse's benefits, §321

widow(er)'s benefits, §408

windfall, SSI, §2185

workers' compensation, §1835

Optional methods of computing self-employment farm income:

combined farm and nonfarm earnings, §1244

grazing land income, §1236

gross income, §1234, §1235, §1237, §1238, §1239, §1240, §1241

income from sale of timber, §1240

nonfarm earnings, §1242

nonfarm earnings, table summarizing effect, §1243

purpose, §1233, §1235

sharefarmer's gross receipts, §1239

summary table, §1241

Overpayment of benefits:

DOD erroneous reports of death, §1923

RSI recovery, §1918

adjustment against current and future benefits, §1909

adjustment of benefit recovery, §1909

against equity and good conscience, defined, §1919

civil suit by recovery, §1912

compromise settlement of recovery, §1911

definition, §1904

determinations, revised, §1922

fault provisions, §1917

impede effective or efficient administration, SSI, defined, §1920

incorrect report of death by service department, §1923

liability of beneficiary, §1906

non-entitlement to payments, §135

notices, §1905

ordinary and necessary living expenses, defined, §1918

partial withholding of benefits, §1910, §1911

person at fault, §1917

rate of withholding, RSDI, §1910

recovery by civil suit, §1912

recovery efforts, §1913

recovery methods, §1907

refunds of incorrect payments, §1908

repayment liability, §1906

revised prior determination, §1922

unpaid benefit, written request, §1901

waiver factors, §1918

waiver of recovery, §1914, §1915, §1916, §1917, §1918, §1919, §1920, §1921

without fault provisions, §1915, §1916

written request of unpaid benefit requirements, §1901