Contact Social Security By Phone (En español)

Before you call:

Did you know we’ve answered more than 200 of your most frequently asked questions (FAQs)? Check out the online FAQs for quick and convenient answers.


If you are calling about the status of a disability application, our average processing time for disability applications is between 200 to 230 days to review your information and medical records. After our review, you will get a letter in the mail with the decision.

If you are calling about a retirement or Medicare application, you will get a letter in the mail within 30 days with the decision or a request for more information. If you asked for your benefit to start in a future month, you will receive the letter 30 days before the start date.

If you cannot use our online services, we can help you by phone when you call your local Social Security office or our toll-free National 800 Number.

You can find the phone number for your local office by using our Office Locator.

We are here to help.

You can call us at 1-800-772-1213 between 8:00 a.m. – 7:00 p.m. local time, Monday through Friday. Wait times to speak to a representative are typically shorter in the morning, later in the week, and later in the month. Our automated telephone services are available 24 hours a day and do not require you to wait to speak with a representative.

If you’re deaf or hard of hearing and use TTY equipment, you can call our TTY number at 1-800-325-0778.

Did you know that the waiting time for my Social Security is 0 minutes?

Using Our Automated Telephone Services

Services for all beneficiaries

  • Request a benefit verification letter
  • Ask for a form SSA-1099, Social Security Benefit Statement, to request a replacement tax summary

Services for Medicare beneficiaries only

  • Request a replacement Medicare Card
  • Request a form SSA-1020 to apply for help with Medicare prescription drug costs

Services for people who have applied for benefits

  • Ask to receive a claim status

Services everyone can use

  • Find the address of your local Social Security office
  • Request a form SS-5, Application for a Social Security Card, to:
    • apply for an original Social Security card or a replacement card if yours was lost or stolen,
    • request a name change on your card, or
    • update or correct other information on your Social Security number record.

Informational Messages

You can listen to informational messages on the following subjects:

  • Payment delivery dates
  • Direct deposit
  • Best times to call our 800 number
  • Social Security Internet address and services
  • Supplemental Security Income (SSI)
  • Cost-of-living adjustment
  • Taxes
  • Non-receipt of your Social Security benefit
  • Representative payee
  • Fraud
  • Become a representative payee

Services for Social Security Benefits Only

  • Change address and/or phone number