SSA Audio/Telephone Hearings

Welcome to the Audio/Telephone Hearings webpage. Here we provide important information to consider when deciding whether you would like to participate in your hearing by audio using telephone.
General Information
Audio hearings using a telephone are safe, flexible, and convenient, and are a popular way to attend a hearing.
After you submit your Request for Hearing (SSA-501) form, we will send a notice providing information about ways to attend a hearing, including audio by telephone.
The Notice of Ways to Attend a Hearing package includes an important form, HA-55 Objection to Appearing by Audio or Agency Video. You should only complete and send this form back to us if you do NOT want to participate in your hearing by audio using telephone. You have 30 days to send this form back to us letting us know you are objecting to participating in your hearing by audio. If we do not receive this form from you indicating that you do NOT want to have your hearing by audio, then we may schedule you to appear at your hearing by audio.
If you need an interpreter for your hearing, please contact your local hearing office and we can provide one for you, free of charge. When you request an interpreter, please tell us what language you prefer (including American Sign Language).
Our hearings can take approximately an hour or sometimes longer, so please ensure you provide a telephone number that will be accessible to you on the day and time of your hearing for the full length of the hearing.
What To Expect
What to Expect/How to Prepare
On the day of your audio hearing, you must be available to answer at the number included in the notice of hearing. A member of our hearing office staff will call you a few minutes before your scheduled hearing time. To protect your privacy and avoid distractions, if possible, find a quiet place for your audio hearing using telephone.
Just like any hearing, there will be a number of participants on the audio hearing with you: your representative (if you have one), the Administrative Law Judge (ALJ), and a hearing reporter who will record and monitor the hearing. There may be other participants as well, such as a vocational expert, medical expert, or interpreter.
We conduct all hearings the same way. The ALJ will swear in all hearing participants, listen to your testimony and the testimony of any witnesses, and ask you and other witnesses questions, if necessary. You also will have the opportunity to ask questions during the hearing.
To ensure you experience the best quality for your audio hearing, we recommend the following:
- Consider a traditional ‘land line’ telephone if you have one, which will likely provide you with a better connection and sound quality.
- If you use a cell phone, be sure you charge your battery enough to hold a conversation for at least 90 minutes. Find a location with privacy and good reception.
- Use the mute button on your telephone when you are not speaking to reduce background noise. Remember to unmute when you want to speak.
Frequently Asked Questions
Am I required to have my hearing by audio using a telephone?
Generally, we may schedule you to attend your hearing by audio using telephone unless you object to attending that way.
In limited circumstances, we may schedule you to attend by audio even if you tell us that you object to attending that way. For example, we will schedule you to attend by audio when we cannot schedule you to attend by agency video or online video and extraordinary circumstances prevent you from attending in person.
What if I change my mind and no longer want to object to having my hearing by audio?
If you initially object to an audio hearing and later change your mind, please contact your local hearing office.
What if I do not send my objection form timely and do not want my hearing held by audio?
If you miss the timeline for returning the audio objection form and we schedule your hearing by audio and you do not want to participate in the hearing that way, contact your local hearing office as soon as possible. If you show good cause for missing the deadline we will reschedule your hearing using another available manner of appearance.