FY 2024 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
The Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees informs members of Congress about SSA’s funding request, including how it will support performance goals and initiatives to improve service. For specific sections, please see the following:
- Budget Overview - The Overview provides a summary of SSA’s budget request, including funding and performance highlights.
Technical Materials supporting SSA’s budget request:
- Budget Summary Table and Other Key Tables
- Payments to the Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Report
- Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report
Machine-readable copy of the Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees XML
Machine-readable copy of the Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report XML
Operating Plan
The SSA Operating Plan provides the final enacted funding levels for the year and the associated performance goals SSA plans to complete with this funding.
Actual Performance
This chart provides information on performance in key areas that SSA was able to complete with the funding Congress provided.
FY 2023 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
The Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees informs members of Congress about SSA’s funding request, including how it will support performance goals and initiatives to improve service. For specific sections, please see the following:
- Budget Overview - The Overview provides a summary of SSA’s budget request, including funding and performance highlights.
Technical Materials supporting SSA’s budget request:
- Budget Summary Table and Other Key Tables
- Payments to the Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Report
- Anti-Fraud Report as Required by the Bipartisan Budget Act
- Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report
Machine-readable copy of the Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees XML
Machine-readable copy of the Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report XML
Operating Plan
The SSA Operating Plan provides the final enacted funding levels for the year and the associated performance goals SSA plans to complete with this funding.
Actual Performance
This chart provides information on performance in key areas that SSA was able to complete with the funding Congress provided.
FY 2022 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
The Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees informs members of Congress about SSA’s funding request, including how it will support performance goals and initiatives to improve service. For specific sections, please see the following:
- Budget Overview - The Overview provides a summary of SSA’s budget request, including funding and performance highlights.
Technical Materials supporting SSA’s budget request:
- Budget Summary Table and Other Key Tables
- Payments to the Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan
- Anti-Fraud Report as Required by the Bipartisan Budget Act
- Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report
Machine-readable copy of the Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees XML
Machine-readable copy of the Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report XML
Operating Plan
The SSA Operating Plan provides the final enacted funding levels for the year and the associated performance goals SSA plans to complete with this funding.
Actual Performance
This chart provides information on performance in key areas that SSA was able to complete with the funding Congress provided.
FY 2021 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
The Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees informs members of Congress about SSA’s funding request, including how it will support performance goals and initiatives to improve service. For specific sections, please see the following:
- Budget Overview - The Overview provides a summary of SSA’s budget request, including funding and performance highlights.
Technical Materials supporting SSA’s budget request:
- Budget Summary Table and Other Key Tables
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan/Report
- Anti-Fraud Report as Required by the Bipartisan Budget Act
- Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report
Machine-readable copy of the Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees XML
Machine-readable copy of the Good Accounting Obligation in Government Act Report XML
Operating Plan
The SSA Operating Plan provides the final enacted funding levels for the year and the associated performance goals SSA plans to complete with this funding.
Actual Performance
This chart provides information on performance in key areas that SSA was able to complete with the funding Congress provided.
FY 2020 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
The Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees informs members of Congress about SSA’s funding request, including how it will support performance goals and initiatives to improve service. For specific sections, please see the following:
- Budget Overview - The Overview provides a summary of SSA’s budget request, including funding and performance highlights.
Technical Materials supporting SSA’s budget request:
- Budget Summary Table and Other Key Tables
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan/Report
- Anti-Fraud Report as Required by the Bipartisan Budget Act
Machine-readable copy of the Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees XML
Operating Plan
The SSA Operating Plan provides the final enacted funding levels for the year and the associated performance goals SSA plans to complete with this funding.
Actual Performance
This chart provides information on performance in key areas that SSA was able to complete with the funding Congress provided.
FY 2019 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
The Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees informs members of Congress about SSA’s funding request, including how it will support performance goals and initiatives to improve service. For specific sections, please see the following:
- Budget Overview - The Overview provides a summary of SSA’s budget request, including funding and performance highlights.
Technical Materials supporting SSA’s budget request:
- Budget Summary Table and Other Key Tables
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan/Report
- Anti-Fraud Report as Required by the Bipartisan Budget Act
Machine-readable copy of the Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees XML
Operating Plan
The SSA Operating Plan provides the final enacted funding levels for the year and the associated performance goals SSA plans to complete with this funding.
Actual Performance
This chart provides information on performance in key areas that SSA was able to complete with the funding Congress provided.
FY 2018 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
The Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees informs members of Congress about SSA’s funding request, including how it will support performance goals and initiatives to improve service. For specific sections, please see the following:
- Budget Overview - The Overview provides a summary of SSA’s budget request, including funding and performance highlights.
Technical Materials supporting SSA’s budget request:
- Budget Summary Table and Other Key Tables
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan
- Anti-Fraud Report as Required by the Bipartisan Budget Act
- Annual Performance Report
Operating Plan
The SSA Operating Plan provides the final enacted funding levels for the year and the associated performance goals SSA plans to complete with this funding.
Actual Performance
This chart provides information on performance in key areas that SSA was able to complete with the funding Congress provided.
FY 2017 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials, February 2016:
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report
- Anti-Fraud Report
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees, February 2016
Budget Appendix, February 2016
FY 2016 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials, October, 2015:
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees, February 2015
Budget Appendix, February 2015
FY 2015 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials, March 2014:
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Early Intervention Demonstrations
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan and Annual Performance Report
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees, March 2014
FY 2014 Budget Request
Highlights of the President’s Budget for SSA
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials, Apr. 2013:
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees, April 2013
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials, Feb. 2012:
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees, Feb. 2012
FY 2013 Continuing Resolution Operating Plan
Operating Plan with Revised Key Performance Goals, April, 2013
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan For FY 2012 and
Revised Final Performance Plan for FY 2011
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan For FY 2011 and
Revised Final Performance Plan for FY 2010
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan for FY 2010 and
Revised FY 2009 Annual Performance Plan
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan For FY 2009 and
Revised Final Performance Plan for FY 2008
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees
Justification of Estimates for Appropriations Committees:
Technical Materials
- Budget Summary Table
- Payments to Social Security Trust Funds
- Supplemental Security Income Program
- Limitation on Administrative Expenses
- Office of the Inspector General
- Annual Performance Plan For FY 2008 and
Revised Final Performance Plan for FY 2007
Full Justification of Estimates For Appropriations Committees