Social Security Administration (SSA) Annual Data for
Generational Data for SSA Employees

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(Updated )
This dataset contains data for fiscal year(s) 2012 on and is currently available in the following formats:
In early 2015, SSA released Vision 2025 which serves as a guide for the agency to be in a position to deliver services now and in the future. The Vision addresses three priority areas: Superior Customer Experience; Exceptional Employees; and moving forward as an Innovative Organization. Our employees are key to delivering public service. This dataset shows our workforce information by generational categories, defined by year of birth:
- Baby Boomers: (born between 1946 and 1964);
- Generation X: (born between 1965 and 1980);
- Generation Y/ Millennials: (born 1981 or later); and
- Traditionalists: (born 1945 or earlier).
Dataset Index
Data Collection Description
The Office of Human Resources, Office of Strategic Human Capital Management has access to Social Security's Human Resources Operational Data Store (HRODS) which contains information about agency employees, including year of birth and type of appointment. End of year data is retrieved from HRODS via queries in October following the close of the fiscal year.
- A Federal Fiscal Year (FY) is the 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September. Most years our fiscal year workload reports contain 52 weeks since we include only full weeks, rather than cut off in the middle of a week. Every few years the reporting period is 53 weeks when we apply the end of week cutoff.
Data Dictionary
Generation: Generational category by fiscal year (the 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September). Generational categories include Baby Boomers, Generation X, Generation Y, and Traditionalist.
No. All Employees: The total number of SSA employees (permanent, temporary, and intermittent).
All Employees Percentage: The percentage of all SSA employees (permanent, temporary, and intermittent).
No. FTP-PTP Employees: The number of permanent SSA employees who are either full-time or part-time.
FTP-PTP Employees Percentage: The percentage of permanent SSA employees who are either full-time or part-time.