Social Security Administration (SSA) Quarterly Data for
Average Processing Time (in days) for Public Inquiries

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(Updated )
This dataset contains data for fiscal year(s) 2014 on and is currently available in the following format(s):
The Social Security Administration (SSA) provides financial protections to our nation’s people through the administration of retirement, disability and survivor benefits. The Office of Public Inquiries and Communications Support (OPICS) provides accessible, easy-to-understand communications and personal responses to complex public inquiries. This dataset reflects the timeliness of responding to inquiries sent to us from the public.
Dataset Index
Agency Program Description
In carrying out its responsibilities, OPICS does the following:
- Responds to public high-priority inquiries.
- Responds to sensitive inquiries addressed to the Commissioner and the White House.
- Provides ombudsman services for telephone inquiries referred from the Office of the Commissioner.
- Develops and maintains online agency-approved language (over 900 paragraphs) for use in answering inquiries throughout SSA.
- Handles complimentary letters sent to the Commissioner regarding service provided by SSA employees or offices.
- Prepares SSA employees' retirement letters for the entire agency.
For information about sending mail inquiries to Social Security, go to: Contact Social Security By Mail
Dataset Description
This dataset has the average processing time for completed inquiries. The data source was the Electronic Management of Assignments and Correspondence system (EMAC), which we are in the process of re-engineering. When the new EMAC is available, it will provide improved, automated management information. We will post additional data after the new system is operational.
- A Federal Fiscal Year (FY) is the 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September. Most years our fiscal year workload reports contain 52 weeks since we include only full weeks, rather than cut off in the middle of a week. Every few years the reporting period is 53 weeks when we apply the end of week cutoff.
- Single asterisk (*): We are unable to provide data for the 3rd Quarter of FY 2024 due to the migration to a new case management system.
Data Dictionary
Fiscal Year (FY): The 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September.
Quarter (QTR)/Total: FY totals broken down by quarter.
Number of Inquiries Processed: The number of inquiries processed (completed) during the period.
Average Processing Time: The average processing time (in days) from entry of the case (inquiry) into the OPICS record system to completion for all inquiries completed during the period.