Social Security Administration (SSA) Annual Data for
Field Office Claims Pending

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(Updated )
This dataset contains data for fiscal year(s) 2006-2022 and is currently available in the following format(s):
Social Security delivers a broad range of services online at the SSA Homepage and through a nationwide network of over 1,400 offices that include regional offices, field offices, card centers, teleservice centers, processing centers, hearing offices, the Appeals Council, and our State and territorial partners, the Disability Determination Services. From fiscal year 2009 on, we started including counts from field offices in the Payment Centers – principally Workload Support Units (WSUs). The Social Security Administration (SSA) is headed by a Commissioner and has a staff of almost 60,000 employees. SSA's central office is located in Baltimore, Maryland. The field organization, which is decentralized to provide services at the local level, includes 10 regional offices, 6 processing centers, and approximately 1,230 field offices.
The field office is the community-based Social Security office for conducting business with SSA, including filing an application for Social Security or Supplemental Security Income benefits. To find a local field office, go to the Field Office Locator.
This dataset gives yearly, national level data for the number of claims pending (in process) in field offices. SSA uses this data to monitor our field office service delivery.
Dataset Index
Agency Program Description
Most people can file for retirement and disability benefits and transact other business with us online. Our goal is to increase the use of our retirement and other online services. However, we will continue our commitment to provide options for those people who want to access our services in ways that are more traditional such as by telephone, in person at a Social Security office, or by mail. Our more than 1,200 local field offices provide community-based access to Social Security information and services. However, whether a claimant files online, by telephone, by mail or in person in a field office, employees in our field offices will process the claim.
For more information about the agency and how it is organized, go to: About the SSA.
For more information about our programs and benefits, go to: SSA Homepage.
Dataset Description
This dataset provides field office claims pending counts by year at the national level for federal fiscal years 2006-2022. The count includes all claims pending (in process and not yet adjudicated) in the field offices. "Claims" include applications for Retirement and Survivor Insurance (RSI), RSI Dependent, Disability Insurance (DI), DI Dependent, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Aged, and SSI Blind/Disabled.
Data Collection Description
We collect data from a claimant (or a person helping the claimant) to complete an application for benefits and enter the information into our Modernized Claim System (MCS). This dataset is from our District Office Workload Report (DOWR), a report that uses extracts of MCS data.
Data Dictionary
Fiscal Year (FY): The 12-month period that starts the Saturday after the last Friday of September and ends the last Friday of September.
Claims Pending Count: The number of claims pending at the end of each fiscal year in Social Security field offices. "Claims" include applications for Retirement and Survivor Insurance (RSI), RSI Dependent, Disability Insurance (DI), DI Dependent, Supplemental Security Income (SSI) Aged, and SSI Blind/Disabled.