2022 ICAP Projects

In July 2022, we published a Request For Applications (RFA) for the second round ICAP on Grants.gov. On December 22, 2022, SSA issued awards for Round 2 of the Interventional Cooperative Agreement Program (ICAP). Awards went to Mathematica and Westat.

We awarded $3,000,000 to Mathematica to conduct a randomized controlled trial of an employment intervention for youth with disabilities who are transitioning into the adult workforce, the Youth Transition Exploration Demonstration (YTED). Mathematica is partnering with Pennsylvania Office of Vocational Rehabilitation (OVR) and University of Maryland's Center for Transition and Career Innovation. The target study population will be transition-age youth with disabilities, ages 16 to 24 in Philadelphia, PA. The control group will receive standard services from OVR (case management and benefits counseling). The treatment group will receive 12 months of enhanced services including: intensive engagement with participants, working with each participant to develop clear career goals, referrals to intensive job training programs, and referrals to non-employment services as needed.

We awarded $3,000,000 to Westat to conduct the Supportive Housing & Individual Placement and Support (SHIPS) study, a randomized controlled trial that combines the supported employment services of the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) model with supportive housing for recently homeless people experiencing a range of disabilities and mental health conditions. The intervention will combine the services of the Individual Placement and Support (IPS) supported employment model with supportive housing. The target study population will be adults with disabilities living in supportive housing units in Los Angeles, CA that are un- or under-employed and express a desire to work. The control group will receive usual supportive housing services provided by project partners, including vocational services from case managers. The treatment group will receive IPS services in conjunction with ongoing supportive housing case management and peer support services.