Public Use Files

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Supported Employment Demonstration (SED) Public Use File

The SED Public Use File (PUF) is an analytical file consisting of data acquired from 2944 enrollees who provided survey responses at baseline and on a quarterly basis throughout their 3-year enrollment in the SED. In addition, SSA administrative data on claiming behaviors (e.g., appeals) and outcomes (e.g., allowances and denials, payments) for participants during the study period are also included in the analytic file. The files available in the PUF provide deidentified data for study participants and present final outcomes from the study.

All enrollees, regardless of study arm participated in quarterly follow-up interviews, in which they provided updates on their employment and use of services during the previous three months. The annual survey (e.g., quarters 4, 8 and 12) included additional items related to health status and functioning.

To access the SED documentation and data files, please visit the SED PUF webpage.