YTD Modified SSI Program Rules (Waivers) Descriptions

Five modified SSI program rules (waivers) apply to YTD participants. We designed the waivers to encourage and reward work, to promote asset development, and to otherwise encourage youths to take part in the YTD.

1. The student earned-income exclusion (SEIE), which normally applies only to individuals who are age 21 or younger, applies to all working YTD participants who qualify as students, regardless of age.

2. The earned-income exclusion (EIE) normally excludes $65 plus half the remainder of earned income not covered by the student earned-income exclusion. For YTD participants, the EIE excludes $65 plus three-fourths of the remainder.

3. The SSI program’s treatment of individual development accounts (IDAs) that involve Assets for Independence Act grant funds or TANF dollars extends to IDAs that do not involve Federal funds.

4. A plan for achieving self-support (PASS), which normally must have a specific work goal (getting a particular kind of job or starting a particular business), may specify career exploration or post-secondary education as a goal.

5. If a medical continuing disability review (CDR) or age-18 medical redetermination results in a finding that a participant no longer meets the medical requirements for benefits, SSA continues to pay benefits for as long as the individual remains a YTD participant.