P.L. 98-21, (H.R. 1900)
Social Security Amendments of 1983-Signed on April 20, 1983
- Makes comprehensive changes in Social Security coverage, financing,
and benefit structure. Following are major provisions of the legislation
which incorporate the recommendations of the National Commission
on Social Security Reform:
- Covers under Social Security the following groups: (1) Federal
employees hired on or after January 1, 1984; (2) current employees
of the legislative branch not participating in the Civil Service
Retirement System on December 31, 1983; and (3) all Members of
Congress, the President and the Vice-President, Federal judges,
and other executive-level political appointees of the Federal
Government, effective January 1, 1984. (See P.L. 98-118 and P.L.
98-369 for a modification of this provision. Also see P.L. 98-168
for a related provision.)
- Covers under Social Security on a mandatory basis all employees
of tax-exempt nonprofit organizations as of January 1, 1984. (See
P.L. 98-364 for modification of this provision.)
- Prohibits States from terminating Social Security coverage for
State and local employees.
- Continues eligibility for Social Security benefits for disabled
widow(er)s, disabled surviving divorced spouses, and surviving
divorced spouses who remarry after entitlement.
- Increases benefits for disabled widows or widowers who become
eligible for benefits before age 60.
- Permits a divorced spouse age 62 or over who has been divorced
for at least 2 years to draw spouse's benefits whether or not
the former spouse who is eligible for retirement benefits has
retired or applied for benefits.
- Provides a different method for computing widows and widowers
benefits that will increase benefits for many people whose spouses
died before reaching age 62.
- Eliminates virtually all remaining gender-based distinctions.
- Requires the Secretary of HHS, in consultation with the Senate
Finance Committee and the House Ways and Means Committee to report
on the effects of earnings sharing plans and make recommendations
concerning the time periods for implementing earnings sharing
- Delayed the June 1983 cost-of-living adjustment until December
1983 (January 3,1984 checks) and provides for future adjustments
payable in January rather than July of each year.
- Eliminates windfall Social Security benefits for workers who
are first eligible after 1985 for both a pension from non-covered
employment and Social Security retirement or disability benefits.
- Provides for cost-of-living increases based on prices or wages--whichever
is less--if the trust funds fall below a specified level.
- Advances scheduled increases in Social Security tax rates. Social
Security tax rates (which include the Hospital Insurance tax rates)
for employers and employees will increase to 7.0 percent in 1984,
{1} 7.05 percent in 1985, 7.15 percent in 1986-87, 7.51
percent in 1988-89 and 7.65 percent in 1990 and thereafter.
{1} Subject to a credit of
0.3 percent for employees. |
- Increases tax rates on self-employment income equal to the combined
employee-employer rates and provides credits against tax liability
to offset part of the increase.
- Accelerates to twice monthly the frequency with which States
are required to deposit withheld Social Security contributions.
- Reauthorizes interfund borrowing among the three Social Security
trust funds for calendar years 1983 through 1987 with repayment
by the end of 1989.
- Provides for crediting the OASDI and HI trust funds at the beginning
of each month with revenues to be received during the month and
for special reports by the Boards of Trustees in the event the
trust fund assets fall below 20 percent of annual expenditures.
- Requires operations of the four Social Security trust funds
to be shown as a separate function within the Federal budget for
FY 1985-1992 and removes operation of the OASDI and HI trust funds
from the unified budget beginning in FY 1993.
- Required the Chairmen of the House Ways and Means Committee
and the Senate Finance Committee to appoint a panel to conduct
a study concerning the establishment of the Social Security Administration
as an independent agency.
- Transfers to the Social Security trust funds from the general
fund lump sum payments for: (1) the value of the additional Social
Security benefits arising from pre-1957 gratuitous military service
wage credits; (2) the amount equivalent to the combined employer-employee
Social Security taxes on the gratuitous military service wage
credits for the period from 1957-83; (reimburses the trust funds
on an annual basis for employer-employee taxes on such wage credits
for service after 1983); and (3) the amount of past and future
OASDI benefit checks (including interest) that are not presented
for payment within 6 months.
- Beginning in 1984, includes up to one-half of Social Security
benefits as taxable income for taxpayers whose adjusted gross
income, combined with half their benefits and any tax-exempt interest
they may have exceeds $25,000 for a single taxpayer and $32,000
for married taxpayers filing jointly. Benefits received by married
taxpayers filing separately are taxable without regard to other
income. Appropriates amounts equal to estimated tax liability
to the Social Security trust funds.
- Changes the earnings test for beneficiaries age 65 and over
so that $1 in benefits will be withheld for each $3 of earnings
above the annual exempt amount, beginning in 1990.
- Increases the delayed retirement credit in gradual steps from
3 percent for workers reaching full benefit retirement age (age
65) before 1990, to 8 percent for workers reaching full benefit
retirement age after 2008.
- Raises the age of eligibility for unreduced retirement benefits
in two stages to 67 by the year 2027. Workers born in 1938 will
be the first group affected by the gradual increase. Benefits
will still be available at age 62, but with greater reduction.
- Requires the Secretary of HHS to conduct a comprehensive study
and analysis of the implications of the changes in retirement
age for those individuals affected by the provision for increasing
full retirement age who, because they are engaging in physically
demanding employment or because they are unable to extend their
working careers for health reasons, may not find their work lifetimes
are increased as a result of general improvements in longevity.
- Suspends auxiliary or survivors benefits to aliens outside the
U.S. for more than 6 consecutive calendar months unless the beneficiary
had resided in the U.S. for at least 5 years and, during that
period, the relationship of the beneficiary to the worker which
is the basis for payment was in existence.
- Extends the current limitation on payment of disability insurance
benefits to convicted felons while in prison to include old-age
and survivors insurance benefits.
- Requires the establishment of a system under which the States
can voluntarily contract with HHS to supply information derived
from official death certificates to facilitate comparison with
benefit program records in order to prevent payments from being
made to deceased persons.
- Requires the issuance of all new and replacement Social Security
cards issued after October 30, 1983, on banknote paper.
- The law made other changes in Social Security, Medicare and
Supplemental Security Income. For instance, it provided for an
increase in SSI benefit rates beginning with July 1983 by $20
for an individual and $30 for a couple. Future automatic SSI cost-of-living
increases will be made in January.
Prepared by SSA's Office
of Legislation & Congressional Affairs, 11/26/84 |