Social Security Archives at NARA

Social Security Textual Records in NARA II

Researching Social Security History at the National Archives-

Sub-Level Headings for 800 WAR EMERGENCY WELFARE SERVICES Category
810 Legislation
820 Organization and Functions
830 Administration
840 Operations
850 Construction
860 Transportation

800 General
 800 General 
 800.01 Studies and statistics
 800.011 Planning 
 800.02 Morale
 800.1 Emergency Welfare Services
 801 Contacts
 802 Conferences
 803  Reports
 803.1 Locality
 804 Public Relations
 804.01 Interviews and visits
 804.02 Propaganda
 804.1 Press digests, clippings, and analyses
 804.11 Press digests
 804.12 Clippings
804.2 Press releases
804.21 Outside
804.3 Publications
804.31 Government
804.311 Mailing lists
 804.32 Outside
 804.4  Radio Programs
 804.41  Scripts
 804.42 Transcriptions
 804.5 Speeches and Speakers service
 804.51  Outside
 804.6  Visual education
 804.61 Movies
 804.62 Exhibits
804.621 Maps
804.622 Photographs
804.623 Posters
805 Protests and Criticism

810 Legislation
 810  Legislation
 810.2 Attorney General's Opinions
 810.3 Comptroller Counsel's Opinions
810.4 General Counsel's Opinions
811 Federal
811.1 Community Facilities Act
812 State
813 Litigation

820 Organization and functions
 820  Organization and functions
 820.01 Charts
 821  Federal director
 822  Regional director and representatives
 823  Advisory councils and committees
 823.01  Minutes of meetings
 823.1  Interdepartmental Council
 823.11 Committees
 823.111 Education
 823.112 Family Security
 823.113 Health and Medical Care
 823.114 Nutrition 
 823.115 Recreation
 823.116 Social Protection
 823.117 Civilian Defense
 823.118 Evacuation
 823.119 Physical fitness
 823.2 Regional Council
823.21 Committees
823.211 Executive
823.212 Planning
823.3 State Defense Councils
823.31 Committees
823.4 Local Defense Councils
823.41 Committees
 824 Cooperating Agencies 
  825 Agreements
 825.1  Civilian assistance program
  825.11 Federal-State
 825.12 Red Cross 
 825.13 Local
825.2 Enemy alien program
825.21 Federal-State

830 Administration
 830 Administration 
 830.01 Policy and precedents
 830.02 Staff meetings 
 830.1 Forms, instructions, bulletins, and manuals 
 830.11 Forms
 830.12 Instructions 
 830.13 Bulletins 
 830.14 Manuals
 830.141 Civilian assistance 
 830.142 Enemy alien
831 Business methods and procedures
831.1 Correspondence
831.11 Carbons
831.12 Control and follow up
831.13 News letters
831.14 Signatures
831.15 Symbol
 831.2 Mail
 831.21  Irregularities
 831.22 Penalty envelopes and franking privileges  
 831.23 Postage Stamps
 831.24 Routing and dispatching
 831.25 Types of mail
 831.3 Records
831.4 Telegraph
831.5 Telephone
 832 Equipment, Supplies, and Building
 832.1 Equipment and supplies Space
 832.2 Space
 832.21 Leases
 833 Finance 
 833.1 Appropriations 
 833.11 Budgets 
 833.12 Grants
 833.121 Docket
 833.122 Audits 
 833.13 Allocation of costs
 833.2 Disbursements
 833.3 Accounting
833.4 Contracts
834 Personnel
 834.01 Consultants
 834.02 Roster of scientific and specialized personnel
 834.1 Applicants 
 834.2 Appointments
 834.21 Examinations
 834.22 Certificate of eligibles
 834.3 Personnel records
 834.4 Salaries, wages, and allowances
 834.401 War bonds and stamps
 834.402 Victory tax
 834.41 Travel 
 834.411 Itineraries
 834.412 Requests and Authorizations
834.413 Subsistence allowance on temporary duty
834.4131 Vouchers
834.5 Status, changes, and transfers
834.51 Classification
834.52 Details
834.53 Discriminatory practices
834.54 Efficiency
834.55 Prohibition of political activity
834.56 Promotions
834.57 Transfers
834.58 Terminations
834.6 Duties and services
834.61 Leave
834.611 Rules and Regulations
834.612 Annual
834.613 Sick
834.614 Without pay
834.62 Hours of labor
834.621 Rules and regulations
834.622 Holiday and Sunday
834.623 Overtime
834.7 Privileges and welfare
834.71 Credit unions
834.72 Group insurance
834.73 Labor unions
834.74 Medical Care
834.75 Recreational association and clubs
834.76 Retirement
835 Training
835.1 In- Service
835.2 Libraries
835.21 Bibliography

850 Construction
 850 Construction
  851 Expansion of plant facilities
  852 Projects
 852.1 Applications
 853  Land Sites
 853.1 Air bases
 853.2 Buildings 
  853.3 Removal of farmers
 853.4 Removal of civilians 

860 Transportation
860 Transportation
861 Tires
862 Gas