SSA Commissioners
Herbert R. Doggette, Jr.
January 1, 1980 to January 2, 1980 (Acting),
and, January 20, 1981 to May 5, 1981 (Acting)
Herb Doggette was born in Brooklyn, New York. He received his bachelor's degree from the University of Maryland in 1957, and a master's degree in 1978 from George Washington University. Mr. Doggette began his career in 1958 as a mail and supply clerk in the Huntington, California district office, and subsequently held many other field positions before becoming an Assistant Regional Representative in San Francisco in 1967, and Assistant Director of Management at the Chicago Payment Center in 1968. In November 1968, he was selected for a Congressional Fellowship, working for Brock Adams, Congressman from Washington, and later Joseph Tydings, Senator from Maryland. Mr. Doggette returned to SSA in September 1969, serving in various management positions as Director, Labor Relations, 1969-1973; Assistant Director, Bureau of Retirement and Survivors Insurance, 1973-1975; Deputy Director, Bureau of Retiremenmt and Survivors Insurance, and Acting Deputy Assistant Secretary of Equal Employment Opprtunity, 1975-1978; Associate Commissioner, Management, Budget, and Personnel, 1979; Deputy Commissioner for Operations, 1979 until his retirement in 1990. Mr. Doggette also served as Social Security's Acting Commissioner for brief periods in 1980 and 1981.