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![]() Trustees Reports- 1995 |
H. ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODS UNDERLYING THE ACTUARIAL ESTIMATESThis section describes the assumptions and methods which underlie the actuarial estimates in this report. Unless specifically stated other wise, the assumptions and methods were used for each of the three alternatives and for both the short-range and long-range periods. Some of the principal economic and demographic assumptions which vary by alternative are summarized in section II.D. Further details about the assumptions, methods, and actuarial estimates are contained in Actuarial Studies published by the Office of the Actuary, Social Security Administration, which are available upon request.
1. Total PopulationProjections were made of the population in the Social Security Area by age, sex, and marital status as of January 1 of each year 1994 through 2080. The starting Social Security Area population for January 1, 1993 was developed from the estimated United States population, including armed forces overseas, based on data from the Bureau of the Census, adjusted for net census undercount and increased for other U.S. citizens living abroad and for populations in the geographic areas covered by the OASDI program but not included in the U.S. population. This starting population was then projected using assumed rates of birth, death, marriage, and divorce and assumed levels of migration. Since the last Trustees' Report, the Bureau of the Census has revised the intercensal 1980-1990 population figures. These revised figures are included in this year's report. Because of these changes, historical numbers after 1980 will have changed from prior Trustees' Reports. Historically, fertility rates in the United States have fluctuated widely. The total fertility rate is defined to be the average number of children that would be born to a woman in her lifetime if she were to experience the birth rates by age observed in, or assumed for, the selected year, and if she were to survive the entire child-bearing period. The total fertility rate decreased from 3.3 children per woman after World War I to 2.1 during the Great Depression, rose to 3.7 in 1957, and then fell to 1.7 in 1976. After 1976, the total fertility rate began to rise again, reaching a level of 2.07 for 1991. Since then, it has declined slightly to a level currently estimated at 2.06 for 1993 and 1994. These variations in fertility rates have resulted from changes in many factors, including social attitudes, economic conditions, and the use of birth-control methods. Future fertility rates may be expected to remain close to recent levels. The recent historical and projected trends in certain population characteristics are consistent with a continued relatively low fertility rate. These trends include the rising percentages of women who have never married, of women who are divorced, and of young women who are in the labor force. Based on consideration of these factors, ultimate total fertility rates of 2.2, 1.9, and 1.6 children per woman were selected for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. For each alternative, the total fertility rate is assumed to reach its ultimate level in 2019. A rate of 2.1 would ultimately result in a nearly constant population if net immigration were zero and if death rates were constant. Historically, death rates in the United States have declined fairly steadily. Historical rates used in preparing this report were calculated using data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS) that are final for 1900-91 (by cause of death starting in 1968) and provisional for 1992 and 1993. For ages 65 and over, Medicare final data for years 1968 through 1992, and provisional data for 1993 were used. The age-sex-adjusted death rate - which is calculated here as the crude rate that would occur in the enumerated total population as of April 1, 1980, if that population were to experience the death rates by age and sex for the selected year - declined at an average rate of 1.2 percent per year between 1900 and 1993. Between 1968 and 1991, the period for which death rates are available by cause, the age-sex adjusted death rate (for all causes combined) declined at an average rate of 1.4 percent per year. However, since 1982, age-sex adjusted death rates have declined more slowly, at average rates of 0.7 percent between 1982 and 1991, and 0.5 percent between 1982 and 1993. Reductions in death rates have resulted from many factors, including increased medical knowledge and availability of health-care services, and improvements in personal health-care practices such as diet and exercise. Based on consideration of the expected rate of future progress in these and other areas, three alternative sets of ultimate annual percentage reductions in central death rates by age, sex, and cause of death were selected for 2019 and later. The intermediate set, which is used for alternative II, is considered to be the most likely to occur. Except for those causes of death which primarily affect children and people of working age, the average annual percentage reductions used for alternative I are smaller than those for alternative II, while those used for alternative III are greater. Between 1993 and 2019, the reductions in central death rates for alternative II are assumed to change gradually from the average annual reductions by age, sex, and cause of death observed between 1968 and 1991, to the ultimate annual percentage reductions by age, sex, and cause of death assumed for 2019 and later. Alternative I reductions are assumed to change gradually from 50 percent of the average annual reductions observed between 1968 and 1991, while alternative III reductions are assumed to change gradually from 150 percent of the average annual reductions observed between 1968 and 1991. After adjustment for changes in the age-sex distribution of the population, the resulting death rates were projected to decline at an average annual rate of about 0.3 percent, 0.6 percent, and 1.0 percent between 1993 and 2069 for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. For calendar years 1993 and 1994, the net legal immigration is assumed to be 660,000 and 645,000 persons per year, respectively. In addition, for these years the net other-than-legal immigration assumption is 250,000 persons per year. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) is currently in the process of revising its estimates of net illegal immigration based on (1) information provided by persons legalized under the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986, (2) counts of unauthorized immigrants in census surveys, (3) the number of overstays of legally admitted persons, and (4) other INS statistics. Based on information provided by the INS, assumed annual rates of net other-than-legal immigration have been increased by 50,000 per year in this report. The Bureau of the Census also is increasing its estimates. The Immigration Act of 1990 increased substantially the number of legal immigrants permitted starting in 1992. For calendar year 1995, net immigration is assumed to be 1,180,000, 910,000, and 750,000 persons per year for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. Of these net numbers of immigrants, 780,000, 660,000, and 600,000, respectively, are assumed to be legal, and the remainders are assumed to be other-than-legal. Based on changes in immigration categories and limits specified in the 1990 legislation, the estimated level of net legal immigration varies for years through 2000, reaching an assumed ultimate level for 2001 and later. Net immigration for 1996 through 2001 is assumed to be 1,200,000, 925,000, and 750,000 persons per year for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. Of these net numbers of immigrants, 800,000, 675,000, and 600,000, respectively, are assumed to be legal, and the remainders are assumed to be other-than-legal. Net immigration for 2002 and later is assumed to be 1,150,000, 900,000, and 750,000 persons per year for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. Of these net numbers of immigrants, 750,000, 650,000, and 600,000, respectively, are assumed to be legal, and the remainders are assumed to be other-than-legal. Table II.H1 shows the projected population as of July 1 by broad age group, for the three alternatives. Also shown are tabulated aged dependency ratios (see table footnotes for definitions). Because eligibility for many types of OASDI benefits depends on marital status, the population was projected by marital status, as well as by age and sex. Marriage and divorce rates were based on recent data from the National Center for Health Statistics.
2. Covered PopulationThe number of covered workers in a year is defined as the number of persons who, at any time during the year, have OASDI taxable earnings. Projections of the number of covered workers were made by applying projected coverage rates to the projected Social Security Area population. The coverage rates - i.e., the number of covered workers in the year, as a percentage of the population as of July 1 - were determined by age and sex using projected labor force participation rates and unemployment rates, and their historical relationships to coverage rates. In addition, the coverage rates were adjusted to reflect the increase in coverage of (1) State and local government employment that will result from the Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act of 1990 and (2) Federal civilian employment that will result from the 1983 Social Security Amendments. Labor force participation rates were projected by age and sex, taking into account projections of the percentage of the population that is married, the percentage of the population that is disabled, the number of children in the population, the level of retirement benefits, and the state of the economy. All of these factors vary by alternative. For men, the projected age-adjusted labor force participation rates for the year 2070 for alternatives I, II, and III are 1.1, 1.5, and 2.5 percentage points lower, respectively, than the 1994 level of 75.2 percent. For women, the projected age-adjusted labor force participation rates increase for alternatives I and II and decrease for alternative III. The projected age-adjusted rates for 2070 are 2.4, 1.0, and -1.2 percentage points, respectively, different from the 1994 level of 58.7 percent. The total age-sex-adjusted unemployment rate averaged 5.7 percent for the last 30 years 1965-94 and 6.1 percent for the 10 years 1985-94. The ultimate total age-sex-adjusted unemployment rate is assumed to be 5.0, 6.0, and 7.0 percent for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. Because the unemployment rate depends on the state of the economy, cyclical trends are reflected in the short-range period. Unemployment levels off to the assumed ultimate age-sex-adjusted rate by the year 2005, for each of the three alternatives. The projected age-adjusted coverage rate for men changes from its 1994 level of 73.8 percent to 72.8, 71.9, and 70.8 percent in 2070 on the basis of alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. For women, it changes from its 1994 level of 61.1 percent to 62.2, 60.4, and 57.8 percent for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively.
3. Average Earnings, Inflation, and Real Interest RateFuture increases in average earnings and in the Consumer Price Index for Urban Wage Earners and Clerical Workers (CPI-W, herein after denoted as `CPI') will directly affect the OASDI program. Increases in the CPI directly affect the automatic cost-of-living benefit increases, while inflation, in general, affects the nominal levels of average earnings, GDP, and taxable payroll. Average earnings in covered employment for each year have a direct effect on the size of the taxable payroll and on the future level of average benefits. In addition, increases in average wages in the U.S. economy directly affect the indexation, under the automatic-adjustment provisions in the law, of the benefit formulas, the contribution and benefit base, the exempt amounts under the retirement earnings test, the amount of earnings required for a quarter of coverage, and under certain circumstances, the automatic cost-of-living benefit increases. Increases in average earnings were projected in two components average earnings of wage-and-salary workers, usually referred to as average wages (and shown for OASDI covered employment in table II.D1 of this report), and average net earnings of self-employed persons. Each of these was subdivided into increases in real average earnings and increases in the CPI. For simplicity, real increases in the average covered wage are sometimes expressed in the form of real-wage differentials - i.e., the percentage increase in the average nominal wage minus the percentage increase in the CPI. The assumed ultimate increases in average real earnings are based on analysis of trends in productivity gains and the factors linking productivity gains with increases in average real earnings. For the 40 years 1954-93, annual increases in productivity for the total U.S. economy averaged 1.6 percent, the result of average annual increases of 2.4, 2.3, 0.8, and 1.0 percent for the 10-year periods 1954-63, 1964-73, 1974-83 and 1984-93, respectively. Meanwhile, the average annual rate of change in average real earnings for the total U.S. economy was an increase of 0.9 percent for the 40 years 1954-93, the result of average annual increases of 2.0, 2.1, -1.5, and 1.2 percent, respectively, for the aforementioned 10-year periods. The change in the linkages between annual increases in productivity and real earnings averaged -0.7 percent for the 40 years 1954-93, and -0.5, -0.2,-2.3, and 0.2 percent, respectively, for the aforementioned 10-year periods. The change in the linkages reflects changes in such factors as the average number of hours worked per year, labor's share of total output, the proportion of employee compensation paid as wages, and price adjustment reflecting the ratio of the GDP implicit price deflator to the CPI. The average annual rate of change in the average real wage in OASDI covered employment was 1.1 percent over the 40 years 1954-93. However, the average annual rates of change over the 10-year periods varied considerably. The average annual rates of change for the 10-year periods 1954-63, 1964-73, 1974-83, and 1984-93 were 2.1 percent, 1.7 percent, -0.4 percent and 1.0 percent, respectively. The ultimate annual increases in productivity for all sectors - wage-and-salary workers, self-employed persons, and the total economy - are assumed to be about 1.7, 1.4, and 1.1 percent for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. The corresponding ultimate annual rates of change in the linkages for wage-and-salary workers are assumed to be declines of 0.2, 0.4, and 0.6 percent for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. These linkages are made up of assumed annual decreases of 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 percent in average hours worked per year, and 0.1, 0.2, and 0.3 percent annual declines in wages as a share of compensation, for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. No ultimate change is assumed for the historically relatively stable ratio of employee compensation to GDP. The resulting ultimate real-wage differentials are 1.5, 1.0, and 0.5 percent for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. Ultimate annual declines in the linkages for self-employed persons are smaller because the proportion of reported compensation that is considered earnings remains constant. As a result, ultimate average real-earnings growth rates for the self-employed are assumed to be higher than for wage-and-salary workers. The corresponding ultimate average real-earnings for wage-and-salary workers and self-employed persons, combined, are slightly higher than those assumed for wage-and-salary workers only. Historically, the CPI has increased, on average, by 4.3 percent for the 40 years 1955-94, 5.3 percent for the 30 years 1965-94, 5.5 percent for the 20 years 1975-94, and 3.5 percent for the 10 years 1985-94. The 5.5 percent increase during 1975-94 reflects sharp increases in oil prices and their subsequent effect on the overall economy. The ultimate average annual CPI increases of 3.0, 4.0, and 5.0 percent for alternatives I, II, III, respectively, were chosen to include a reasonable range of possible future experience. The GDP implicit price deflator has increased by 4.4 percent annually for the 40 years 1955-94, 5.2 percent annually for the 30 years 1965-94, 5.3 percent annually for the 20 years 1975-94, and 3.3 percent annually for the 10 years 1985-94. For this Trustees' Report, increases in the GDP implicit price deflator are assumed to be slower by about 0.2 percent, 0.3 percent, and 0.5 percent annually than increases in the CPI-W for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively, for the first 10 projection years 1995-2004. The assumed differential between the increase in the GDP implicit price deflator and the increase in the CPI-W reflects the anticipation of three trends for the first 10 projection years 1995-2004. These are: (1) relatively slower increases in computer prices, which are weighted more heavily in the implicit price deflator, (2) relatively faster increases in energy prices which are weighted more heavily in the CPI, and (3) relatively faster increases in health service prices, which are a larger component of the CPI. However, ultimate annual rates of increase in the GDP implicit price deflator are assumed to be the same, for each alternative, as for the CPI-W. The ultimate increases in average annual wages in covered employment are assumed to be 4.5, 5.0, and 5.5 percent, for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. These were obtained, for each alternative, by adding the assumed annual percentage increase in the CPI to the assumed real-wage differential. Ultimate increases in average wages and earnings for the U.S. economy are very similar to those assumed for average wages in covered employment. The interest rate considered in this report is the nominal interest rate, which is compounded semiannually, for special U.S. government obligations issuable to the trust funds in each of 12 months of the year. The real interest rate is defined to be the annual (compounded) yield rate for investments in these securities less growth in the CPI-W. In developing a reasonable range of assumed future real interest rates for the three alternatives, historical experience was examined for the 40 years, 1954-93, and for each of the 10-year subperiods, 1954-63, 1964-73, 1974-83, and 1984-93. For the 40-year period, the real interest rate averaged 2.3 percent per year. For the four 10-year subperiods, the real interest rates averaged 1.4, 1.6, 0.8, and 5.6 percent per year, respectively. The assumed ultimate real interest rates are 3.0 percent, 2.3 percent, and 1.5 percent for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. The projected interest rates are assumed to trend toward these ultimate interest rates, attaining the ultimate values after the tenth projection year.
4. Taxable Payroll and TaxesThe taxable payroll for any period is that amount which, when multiplied by the combined employee-employer tax rate, yields the total amount of taxes paid by employees, employers, and the self-employed for work during the period. The taxable payroll is important not just in estimating OASDI income, but also in determining income and cost rates, and actuarial balances. These terms are defined in the introduction to the section entitled Actuarial Estimates. In practice, the taxable payroll is calculated as a weighted average of the earnings on which employees, employers, and self-employed persons make contributions to the OASDI program. The weighting takes into account the lower tax rates, as compared to the combined employee-employer rate, which apply to multiple-employer `excess wages,' and which did apply, before 1984, to net earnings from self-employment and, before 1988, to tips. For 1983 and later, taxable payroll also includes deemed wage credits for military service. Estimates of taxable earnings for employees, employers, and the self-employed were developed from corresponding estimates of earnings in the U.S. economy, by means of factors which adjust for various differences in these measures. The factors adjust total U.S. earnings by removing earnings from noncovered employment, adding earnings from various outlying areas which are covered by Social Security but are not included in published `U.S.' data, and removing earnings above the taxable earnings base. Decreases in the ratio of taxable earnings to earnings in OASDI covered employment since 1984, due to the higher proportion of total covered wages earned by very high wage earners, are projected to continue through the first 10 years of the projection. The ratio of taxable wages to wages in covered employment is projected to decline from a level of 0.886 for 1994 to ultimate levels of 0.879, 0.862, and 0.855, by the end of the tenth projection year for alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. These ultimate ratios of taxable earnings to OASDI covered earnings are about the same as were assumed for the 1994 Trustees' Report. Estimates of taxes collected were developed from the estimates of taxable earnings by applying the employee, employer, or self-employed tax rate, and by taking into account the lag between the time the tax liability is incurred and the time the taxes are collected.
5. Insured PopulationThere are three basic types of insured status under the OASDI program: fully insured, currently insured, and disability insured. Fully insured status is required of an aged worker for eligibility to a primary retirement benefit and for the eligibility of that worker's spouse and children to auxiliary benefits. Fully insured status is also required of a deceased worker for the eligibility of the worker's survivors to benefits (with the exception of child survivors and parents of eligible child survivors, in which cases the deceased worker is required to have had either currently insured status or fully insured status). Disability insured status, which is more restrictive than fully insured status, is required of a disabled worker for eligibility to a primary disability benefit and for the eligibility of the worker's spouse and children to auxiliary benefits. Projections of the percentage of the population that is fully insured were made by age and sex, from estimated distributions of workers by accumulated quarters of coverage based on past and projected coverage rates and amounts of earnings required for quarters of coverage. Currently insured status was disregarded for purposes of these estimates, because the number of cases in which eligibility for benefits is based solely on currently insured status is relatively small. Projections of the percentage of fully insured persons who are also disability insured were made by age and sex based on past and projected coverage rates, the requirement for disability insured status, and their historical relationships. Finally, the fully insured and disability insured populations were developed from the projected total population by applying the appropriate percentages. Under this procedure, the percentage of the Social Security Area population aged 62 and over that is fully insured is projected to increase from 77.7 on January 1, 1994, to 90.9, 90.7, and 90.0 on January 1, 2070, based on alternatives I, II, and III, respectively. The percentage for females is projected to increase significantly, while that for males is projected to decrease slightly. Based on alternative II, for example, the percentage for males is projected to decrease during this period from 92.6 to 92.2, while that for females is projected to increase from 66.9 to 89.4. The fully insured population by age and sex was further subdivided by marital status, using the variation in labor force participation rates by marital status to estimate the variation in coverage rates by marital status. These coverage rates were then used to estimate the variation in the fully insured rates by marital status.
6. Old-Age and Survivors Insurance BeneficiariesThe number of OASI beneficiaries was projected for each type of benefit separately, by the sex of the worker on whose earnings the benefits are based, and by the age of the beneficiary. For selected types of benefits, the number of beneficiaries was also projected by marital status. For the short-range period, the number of retired-worker beneficiaries was developed by applying award rates to the aged fully insured population less those persons entitled to retired-worker, disabled-worker, or widow(er)'s benefits, and by applying termination rates to the number of persons already receiving retired-worker benefits. For the long range, the number of retired-worker beneficiaries who were not previously converted from disabled-worker beneficiary status was projected as a percentage of the `exposed population,' i.e., the aged fully insured population less those persons entitled to or converted from disability benefits and those insured persons entitled to widow(er)'s benefits. The percentage for ages 70 and over was assumed to be nearly 100, because the retirement earnings test and delayed retirement credit do not apply after age 70. The percentage for each age 62 through 69 was projected in accordance with observed historical and projected short-range trends, with an adjustment to reflect changes in the ratio of the monthly benefit amount payable at each age of entitlement to the amount payable at age-70 entitlement. As the increases in the delayed retirement credit become effective and, beginning in 2000, the normal retirement age increases, the number of retired workers as a percentage of the exposed population is gradually adjusted downward at each age 62 through 69, reaching an ultimate value, in 2030. An additional adjustment to the projected number of retired worker beneficiaries was made during the long-range period to reflect projected changes in the number of other-than-legal aliens as a percentage of the population. This resulted in a downward adjustment in the percentage of the population that is receiving retired worker benefits starting in year 2004 and continuing until the end of the projection period. For the long-range period, the number of retired-worker beneficiaries who are converted from disabled-worker beneficiaries was calculated separately in a manner consistent with the calculation of disabled-worker beneficiaries. The number of aged-spouse beneficiaries was estimated from the population projected by age and sex. The benefits of aged-spouse beneficiaries are based on the earnings records of their husbands or wives, who are referred to as `wage earners.' In the short-range period, a regression equation was used to project the number of aged-spouse beneficiaries, as a proportion of the aged uninsured female or male population. In the long-range period, aged-spouse beneficiaries were estimated from the population projected by age, sex, and marital status. To the number of spouses aged 62 and over in the population, a series of factors were applied, representing the probabilities that the spouse and the wage earner meet all of the conditions of eligibility i.e., the probabilities that (1) the wage earner is 62 or over, (2) the wage earner is insured, (3) the wage earner is receiving benefits, (4) the spouse is not receiving a benefit for the care of an entitled child, (5) the spouse is not insured, (6) the spouse is not eligible to receive a significant government pension based on earnings in noncovered employment, and (7) a residual factor. In addition, the same factors were applied to the number of divorced persons aged 62 and over in the population, with three differences. First, an additional factor is required to reflect the probability that the person's former wage-earner spouse is still alive (otherwise, the person may be entitled to a divorced widow(er)'s benefit). Second, a factor is required to reflect the probability that the marriage to the wage-earner spouse was at least 10 years in duration. Third, factor (3) was not applied because, effective for January 1985, a divorced person generally need not wait to receive benefits until the former wage-earner spouse is receiving benefits. The projected numbers of children under age 18, and students aged 18, who are eligible for benefits as children of retired-worker beneficiaries, were based on the projected number of children in the population. In the short-range period, the number of entitled children was developed by applying award rates to the number of children in the population where both parents are alive, and by applying termination rates to the number of children already receiving benefits. In the long-range period, entitled children were projected separately by sex of the wage-earner parent. To the number of children in the population, factors were applied representing the probabilities that the parent is alive, aged 62 or over, insured, and receiving a retired-worker benefit. Another factor was applied representing the probability that the child is not entitled to a benefit based on the other parent's earnings. For children aged 18, a factor was applied representing the probability that the child is attending a secondary school. The number of disabled children aged 18 and over of retired-worker beneficiaries was projected from the adult population. In the short-range period, award rates were applied to the uninsured population, and termination rates were applied to the number of disabled children already receiving benefits. In the long-range period, disabled children were projected in a manner similar to that for children under 18, with the inclusion of a factor representing the probability of being disabled since childhood. In the short-range period, the number of young-spouse beneficiaries was projected as a proportion of the projected number of child beneficiaries who are either under age 16 or disabled. In the long-range period, young-spouse beneficiaries were projected as a proportion of the projected number of child beneficiaries of retired workers, taking into account projected changes in average family size. The number of aged-widow(er) beneficiaries was projected from the population by age and sex. In the short-range period, insured aged-widow(er) beneficiaries were projected concurrently with the retired-worker beneficiaries. A regression equation projected the number of uninsured aged-widow(er) beneficiaries, as a proportion of the uninsured aged female or male population not receiving any type of benefit. In the long-range period, aged-widow(er) beneficiaries were projected from the population by age, sex, and marital status. Four factors were applied to the number of widow(er)s in the population aged 60 and over. These factors represent the probabilities that (1) the deceased wage earner was fully insured at death, (2) the widow(er) is not receiving a benefit for the care of an entitled child, (3) the widow(er) is not fully insured, and (4) the widow(er)'s benefits are not withheld because of receipt of a significant government pension based on earnings in noncovered employment. In addition, some insured widow(er)s who had not applied for their retired-worker benefits are assumed to receive widow(er) benefits. Also, the same factors were applied to the number of divorced persons aged 60 and over in the population, with additional factors representing the probability that the person's former wage-earner spouse is deceased and that the marriage was at least 10 years in duration. In the short-range period, the number of disabled-widow(er) beneficiaries was estimated as a proportion of the uninsured female or male population aged 50-64. In the long-range period, the number was projected for each age 50 through 64 as a percentage of the widowed and divorced populations, adjusted for the insured status of the deceased spouse and the prevalence of disability. The projected numbers of children under age 18, and students aged 18, who are eligible for benefits as survivors of deceased workers, were based on the projected number of children in the population whose mothers or fathers are deceased. In the short-range period, the number of entitled children was developed by applying award rates to the number of orphaned children, and by applying termination rates to the number of children already receiving benefits. In the long-range period, the number of child-survivor beneficiaries was projected in a manner analogous to that for child beneficiaries of retired workers, with the factor representing the probability that the parent is aged 62 or over being replaced by a factor that represented the probability that the parent is deceased. In the short-range period, the numbers of mother-survivor and father-survivor beneficiaries were projected from the number of child-survivor beneficiaries who are either under age 16 or disabled. In the long-range period, mother-survivor and father-survivor beneficiaries were estimated from the number of child-survivor beneficiaries, taking into account projected changes in average family size. The number of parent-survivor beneficiaries was projected based on the historical pattern of the number of such beneficiaries. Table II.H2 shows the projected number of beneficiaries under the OASI program by type of benefit. Included among the beneficiaries who receive retired-worker benefits are some persons who also receive a residual benefit consisting of the excess of an auxiliary benefit over their retired-worker benefit. Estimates of the number of such residual payments were made separately for spouses and widow(er)s.
7. Disability Insurance BeneficiariesThe number of DI beneficiaries was projected for each type of benefit separately, by the sex of the worker on whose earnings the benefits are based, and the age of the beneficiary. The number of disabled-worker beneficiaries was projected from the estimated number of such beneficiaries entitled on December 31, 1994, by adding new entitlements and subtracting terminations. The starting number of entitled disabled-worker beneficiaries was estimated by age, sex, and duration of entitlement, from the tabulated number of disabled-worker beneficiaries in current-payment status on December 31, 1994. The number of new entitlements during each year was projected by applying assumed disability incidence rates. Incidence rates by age and sex were applied to the projected disability insured population (excluding those already entitled to disabled-worker benefits) to obtain new entitlements. The number of terminations was projected by applying assumed termination rates to the disabled-worker population. In the short-range period, the number of terminations was projected by applying assumed termination rates by reason - death, recovery, and all other - and by age and sex, to the entitled disabled-worker population. In the long-range period, the number of terminations was projected by applying assumed death rates and recovery rates, by age, sex, and duration of entitlement, to the entitled disabled-worker population. This number of terminations was then increased, in both the short-range and long-range periods, by the number of disabled-worker beneficiaries who would be automatically converted to retired-worker beneficiaries upon attainment of the normal retirement age (currently, age 65). Disability incidence rates declined rapidly from historically high levels for 1974-75 to a level about half as large by the year 1982. From 1982 through 1986, incidence rates increased steadily, regaining about one-fifth of the decline from the prior period. Between 1986 and 1989, incidence rates remained fairly steady. From 1989 to 1992, incidence rates again increased at a rapid pace, reaching a level about 90 percent of the way back to the rates of 1974-75, from the rates for 1982. From 1992 to 1994 incidence rates again decreased, and the 1994 incidence rate was only 59 percent of the way back up from the 1982 levels to the 1974-75 levels. Assumed future levels for disability incidence rates are determined in two stages: (1) rates are first projected from recent levels based on past trends and future expectations, as if the increases scheduled in present law for the normal retirement age (NRA) would not occur, and (2) for the year 2000 and later an adjustment is made to reflect the scheduled increase in the NRA; rates for persons aged 60 through 64 are assumed to increase, and rates for ages 65 and 66 are extrapolated. For the alternative II assumptions, gross incidence rates are projected to continue increasing over the next 10 years due to the growing proportion of insured workers at the higher ages. Gross rates projected under the first stage increase from 1994 levels by about 15 percent over the next 10 years, reaching a level of about 6.1 per thousand persons exposed (defined as the number of persons who are disability insured and not currently entitled to disabled worker benefits). Further increases in incidence rates over age 60, along with rates assumed for persons aged 66 and 67 due to the scheduled increase in the NRA, are reflected in the second stage for years 2000 and later. These adjustments contribute to the overall rise in the gross disability incidence rate from a level of 5.2 per thousand exposed for 1994 to an ultimate rate of 7.3 per thousand exposed by the year 2027, at which time the scheduled increase in the NRA will be complete. For alternative I, the gross disability incidence rate is assumed to decline by about 19 percent over the next 10 years. The 2027 gross incidence rate is assumed to be 5.8 per thousand exposed. For alternative III, the gross disability incidence rate is assumed to increase by about 18 percent over the next 10 years, to a level comparable to the peak experience for 1974-75. The gross incidence rate under alternative III is assumed to reach about 8.7 per thousand exposed by 2027. In the short-range period, the termination rates were projected by reason - death, recovery, and all other - and by age and sex. For alternative II, the death rates were projected to remain constant, while the rates for recovery were projected to increase from the relatively low levels of 1994 by about 35 percent in 1995 and 1996, and to gradually increase thereafter to roughly 65 percent above the 1994 levels by the end of the short-range period. Termination rates due to all other reasons (except conversion to old-age benefits) are projected to exhibit moderate, then more rapid, increases as the DI program begins to experience the effects of the drug addiction and alcoholism provisions of the Social Security Independence and Program Improvements Act of 1994. These rates are expected to exhibit significant volatility among age groups; they settle at roughly 90 percent above the 1994 levels, aggregated over all ages. For alternative III, the death rates decline by about 10 percent, while the rates for recovery and all other terminations increase more slowly and to lower levels. For alternative I, the death rates increase by about 10 percent, while the rates for recovery and all other terminations increase more quickly and to higher levels. In the long-range period, the death rates and recovery rates were projected by age, sex, and duration of entitlement. For alternative II, death rates reach levels in 2069 approximately 33 percent lower for males and approximately 26 percent lower for females than those experienced by disabled-worker beneficiaries during 1977-80, the most recent period for which detailed data are available. The recovery rates are assumed to increase from 1994 levels until 2009, when they attain ultimate levels about 50 percent lower than those experienced during the period 1977-80. Projected increases in recovery rates reflect the estimated effect of the periodic reviews required by provisions of law first enacted in 1980, and amended in 1983, 1984, and 1990. For alternative I, the death rates in 2069 are assumed to be roughly 16 percent lower for males and approximately 6 percent lower for females than those experienced by disabled-worker beneficiaries during 1977-80. Recovery rates are assumed to increase from current levels to levels that are about six times the 1994 level and about four and one-half times the 1995 level for both males and females. These ultimate recovery rates are 40 percent lower than those of the 1977-80 base period. For alternative III, the death rates in 2069 are assumed to be about 48 percent lower for males and 46 percent lower for females than those experienced during 1977-80, and recovery rates are assumed to be 60 percent lower than those experienced during 1977-80. In the short-range period, the projected numbers of children under age 18, students aged 18, and disabled children aged 18 and over, who are eligible for benefits as children of disabled-worker beneficiaries, were projected by applying quarterly award and termination rates. Awards to the three categories of child beneficiaries were based on the number of awards to disabled-worker beneficiaries. In the long-range period, the projected numbers of minor child and student beneficiaries were based on the projected number of children in the population by age. To the number of children were applied factors representing the probability that either of their parents is insured and disabled. The number of disabled children aged 18 and over was projected as a function of the number of disabled-worker beneficiaries and the size of the adult population. In the short-range period, the number of young-spouse beneficiaries was projected by applying quarterly award and termination rates, where awards were based on the number of awards to child beneficiaries who are either under age 16 or disabled. The number of aged-spouse beneficiaries was also projected by applying quarterly award and termination rates, where awards were based on the number of awards to disabled-worker beneficiaries. In the long-range period, the number of young-spouse beneficiaries was projected as a proportion of the projected number of child beneficiaries who are either under age 16 or disabled, taking into account projected changes in family size. The number of aged-spouse beneficiaries was projected as a proportion of the number of disabled-worker beneficiaries, based on recent experience and allowing for projected changes in marriage rates. Table II.H3 shows the projected number of beneficiaries under the DI program by type of benefit.
8. Average BenefitsAverage benefits were projected by type of benefit based on recent historical averages, projected average Primary Insurance Amounts (PIAs), and projected ratios of average benefits to average PIAs. Average PIAs were calculated from projected distributions of beneficiaries by duration from year of award, average awarded PIAs, and increases thereto since the year of award, reflecting automatic benefit increases, recomputations to reflect additional covered earnings, and other factors. Average awarded PIAs were calculated from projected earnings histories, which were developed from the actual earnings histories associated with a sample of awards made in 1993. The 1993 sample replaced a 1992 sample, which was used for the 1994 report. This change had a significant effect on the projected level of average benefits as discussed earlier in section II.F2. For several types of benefits - retired-worker, aged-spouse, and aged-widow(er) benefits - the percentage of the PIA that is payable depends on the age at initial entitlement to benefits. Projected ratios of average benefits to average PIAs for these types of benefits were based on projections of age distributions at initial entitlement.
9. Benefit PaymentsFor each type of benefit, benefit payments were calculated as the product of a number of beneficiaries and a corresponding average monthly benefit. In the short-range period, benefit payments were calculated on a quarterly basis. In the long-range period, all benefit payments were calculated on an annual basis, using the number of beneficiaries on December 31. These amounts were adjusted to include retroactive payments to newly awarded beneficiaries, and other amounts not reflected in the regular monthly benefit payments. Lump-sum death payments were calculated as the product of (1) the number of such payments, which was projected on the basis of the assumed death rates, the projected fully insured population, and the estimated percentage of the fully insured population that would qualify for benefits, and (2) the amount of the lump-sum death payment, which is $255 (not indexed in future years).
10. Administrative ExpensesThe projection of administrative expenses through 2004 was based on assumed increases in average wages, increases in the CPI, and increases in the number of beneficiaries. For years after 2004, administrative expenses are assumed to increase because of increases in the number of beneficiaries and increases in the average wage which will more than offset assumed improvements in administrative productivity.
11. Railroad Retirement Financial InterchangeRailroad workers are covered under a separate multi-tiered plan, the first tier being very similar to OASDI coverage. An annual financial interchange between the Railroad Retirement fund and the OASI and DI funds is made reflecting the difference between (1) the amount of OASDI benefits that would be paid to railroad workers and their families if railroad employment had been covered under the OASDI program and (2) the amount of OASDI payroll tax that would be received from railroad workers if they were covered directly under the OASDI program. The effect of the financial interchange with the Railroad Retirement program was evaluated on the basis of trends similar to those used in estimating the cost of OASDI benefits. The resulting effect was annual short-range costs of about $3-5 billion and a long-range summarized cost of 0.05 percent of taxable payroll to the OASDI program.
12. Benefits to Uninsured PersonsThe law provides for special monthly cash payments to certain uninsured persons who attained age 72 before 1968 or who have 3 quarters of coverage for each year after 1966 and before the year of attainment of age 72. The number of such uninsured persons was projected based on an extrapolation of the historical survival rate of the members of that group. The benefit payable to these uninsured persons is a fixed amount which increases by the percentage benefit increase applicable to regular OASDI benefits. These payments are made from the OASI Trust Fund, which is then reimbursed from the general fund of the Treasury for the costs (including administrative expenses and interest) associated with providing payments to those persons with fewer than 3 quarters of coverage. The nonreimbursable payments are assumed to be insignificant after 2000. Neither the reimbursable payments nor the associated reimbursements are reflected in the cost rates or the income rates. These amounts are reflected, however, in tables which show trust fund operations.
13. Military-Service TransfersAs a result of the 1983 amendments, the OASI and DI Trust Funds received lump-sum payments, in May 1983, for the cost (including administrative expenses) of providing additional benefit payments resulting from noncontributory wage credits for military service performed prior to 1957. Adjustments to the payments were made in 1985 and 1990, and additional adjustments will be made in 1995 and every fifth year thereafter. The adjustments for 1995 were estimated based on the change in interest rates since the determination of the adjustments in 1990. No adjustments after 1995 would be due unless actual interest rates are different from those assumed, or changes are made in the methods used to determine the military-service transfers.
14. Income From Taxation of BenefitsUnder present law, the OASI and DI Trust Funds are credited with the additional income taxes attributable to the taxation of the first 50 percent of OASDI benefit payments. (The remainder of the income taxes attributable to the taxation of up to 85 percent of OASDI benefit payments is credited to the HI Trust Fund.) For the short-range period, income to the trust funds from such taxation was estimated by applying the following two factors to total OASI and DI benefit payments: (1) the percentage of benefit payments (limited to 50 percent) that is taxable, and (2) the average tax rate applicable to those benefits. For the long-range period, income to the trust funds from such taxation was estimated by applying projected ratios of such income to total OASI and DI benefit payments. Because the income thresholds used for benefit taxation are, by law, constant in the future, their values in relation to future income and benefit levels will decline. Thus, ratios of income from taxation of benefits to the amount of benefits are projected to increase. These ratios were projected reflecting the results of a model developed by the Office of Tax Analysis, Department of the Treasury, relating OASDI benefit payments to total personal income for a sample of recent tax returns. |
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