Table II.E3. - Selected OASDI Program Amounts Determined Under the Automatic-Adjustment Provisions, Calendar Years 1978-96, and Projected Future Amounts, Calendar Years 1997-2005, on the Basis of the Intermediate Set of Assumptions
Earnings "Old law"
AIME "bend PIA "bend points" required contri-
points" in PIA in maximum- for a bution
formula family-benefit formula quarter and
Calendar ------------------- -------------------------- of cov- benefit
year First Second First Second Third erage 1/ base 2/
Historical data:
1978...... (3) (3) (3) (3) (3) 4/ $250 (3)
1979...... 4/ $180 4/ $1,085 4/ $230 4/ $332 4/ $433 260 $18,900
1980...... 194 1,171 248 358 467 290 20,400
1981...... 211 1,274 270 390 508 310 22,200
1982...... 230 1,388 294 425 554 340 24,300
1983...... 254 1,528 324 468 610 370 26,700
1984...... 267 1,612 342 493 643 390 28,200
1985...... 280 1,691 358 517 675 410 29,700
1986...... 297 1,790 379 548 714 440 31,500
1987...... 310 1,866 396 571 745 460 32,700
1988...... 319 1,922 407 588 767 470 33,600
1989...... 339 2,044 433 626 816 500 35,700
1990...... 356 2,145 455 656 856 520 38,100
1991...... 370 2,230 473 682 890 540 39,600
1992...... 387 2,333 495 714 931 570 41,400
1993...... 401 2,420 513 740 966 590 42,900
1994...... 422 2,545 539 779 1,016 620 45,000
1995...... 426 2,567 544 785 1,024 630 45,300
1996...... 437 2,635 559 806 1,052 640 46,500
1997...... 454 2,737 580 838 1,092 670 48,300
1998...... 472 2,845 603 870 1,135 690 50,400
1999...... 492 2,964 628 907 1,183 720 52,500
2000...... 511 3,080 653 943 1,229 750 54,600
2001...... 532 3,209 680 982 1,280 780 56,700
2002...... 555 3,344 709 1,023 1,335 820 59,100
2003...... 579 3,488 739 1,067 1,392 850 61,800
2004...... 605 3,646 773 1,116 1,455 890 64,500
2005...... 634 3,822 810 1,169 1,525 930 67,500
1/ See Appendix F for a description of quarter-of-coverage requirements prior
to 1978.
2/ Contribution and benefit base that would have been determined automatically
under the law in effect prior to enactment of the Social Security Amendments of
1977. The bases for years after 1989 were increased slightly by changes to the
indexing procedure to determine the base, as required by Public Law 101-239.
3/ No provision in law for this amount in this year.
4/ Amount specified for first year by Social Security Amendments of 1977;
amounts for subsequent years subject to automatic-adjustment provisions.