Table II.F10. - Operations of the DI Trust Fund During Selected Calendar Years 1960-95 and Estimated Future Operations During Calendar Years 1996-2005, on the Basis of the Intermediate Set of Assumptions
[In millions]
Income from the
from taxa- general fund
Calendar Net contri- tion of of the Net
year Total butions1/ benefits Treasury2/ interest3/
Historical data:
1960........ $1,063 $1,010 -- -- $53
1965........ 1,247 1,188 -- -- 59
1970........ 4,774 4,481 -- $16 277
1975........ 8,035 7,444 -- 90 502
1980........ 13,871 13,255 -- 130 485
1985........ 19,301 17,191 $222 1,017 870
1986........ 19,439 18,399 238 -- 3,344
1987........ 20,303 19,691 4/ -36 -- 648
1988........ 22,699 22,039 61 -- 600
1989........ 24,795 23,993 95 -- 707
1990........ 28,791 28,539 144 -775 883
1991........ 30,390 29,137 190 -- 1,063
1992........ 31,430 30,136 232 -- 1,062
1993........ 32,301 31,185 281 -- 835
1994........ 52,841 51,373 311 -- 1,157
1995........ 56,696 54,401 341 -203 2,158
1996........ 60,928 57,601 376 -- 2,950
1997........ 58,496 54,353 411 -- 3,732
1998........ 61,410 56,663 452 -- 4,295
1999........ 64,630 59,320 496 -- 4,814
2000........ 71,654 65,714 549 -2 5,394
2001........ 75,918 69,293 605 -- 6,020
2002........ 80,183 72,931 667 -- 6,585
2003........ 84,754 76,951 738 -- 7,066
2004........ 89,415 81,185 819 -- 7,411
2005........ 94,454 85,922 908 -- 7,624
1/ Beginning in 1983, includes transfers from general fund of Treasury repre-
senting contributions that would have been paid on deemed wage credits for
military service in 1957 and later, if such credits were considered to be
covered wages.
2/ Includes payments (1) in 1966 and later, for costs of noncontributory wage
credits for military service performed before 1957; and (2) in 1971-82, for
costs of deemed wage credits for military service performed after 1956.
3/ Net interest includes net profits or losses on marketable investments.
Beginning in 1967, administrative expenses are charged currently to the trust
fund on an estimated basis, with a final adjustment, including interest, made
in the following fiscal year. The amounts of these interest adjustments are
included in net interest. For years prior to 1967, a description of the method
of accounting for administrative expenses is contained in the 1970 Annual
Report. Beginning in July 1974, the figures shown include relatively small
amounts of gifts to the fund. Net interest for 1983-86 reflects payments from
a borrowing trust fund to a lending trust fund for interest on amounts owed
under the interfund borrowing provisions. During 1983-90, interest paid from
the trust fund to the general fund on advance tax transfers is reflected. The
amount shown for 1985 includes an interest adjustment of $14.8 million on
unnegotiated checks issued before April 1985.
4/ Reflects $195 million in transfers from the DI Trust Fund to the general
fund of the Treasury to correct estimated amounts transferred for calendar
years 1984 and 1985.
Table II.F10. - Operations of the DI Trust Fund During Selected Calendar Years 1960-95 and Estimated Future Operations During Fiscal Years 1996-2005, on the Basis of the Intermediate Set of Assumptions (Cont.)
[In millions]
Expenditures Assets
--------------------------------------- ----------------------
to Net
Adminis- Railroad increase Amount
Calendar Benefit trative Retirement during at end of
year Total payments1/ expenses program year period
Historical data:
1960..... $600 $568 $36 -$5 $464 $2,289
1965..... 1,687 1,573 90 24 -440 1,606
1970..... 3,259 3,085 164 10 1,514 5,614
1975..... 8,790 8,505 256 29 -754 7,354
1980..... 15,872 15,515 368 -12 -2,001 3,629
1985..... 19,478 18,827 608 43 2/ 2,363 6,321
1986..... 20,522 19,853 600 68 2/ 1,459 7,780
1987..... 21,425 20,519 849 57 -1,122 6,658
1988..... 22,494 21,695 737 61 206 6,864
1989..... 23,753 22,911 754 88 1,041 7,905
1990..... 25,616 24,829 707 80 3,174 11,079
1991..... 28,571 27,695 794 82 1,819 12,898
1992..... 32,004 31,112 834 58 -574 12,324
1993..... 35,662 34,613 966 83 -3,361 8,963
1994..... 38,879 37,744 1,029 106 13,962 22,925
1995..... 42,055 40,923 1,064 68 14,641 37,566
1996..... 45,412 44,269 1,141 2 15,516 53,082
1997..... 49,217 47,933 1,227 57 9,279 62,361
1998..... 52,873 51,630 1,156 87 8,537 70,898
1999..... 57,014 55,633 1,271 109 7,617 78,515
2000..... 61,682 60,209 1,347 126 9,973 88,487
2001..... 66,647 65,092 1,422 133 9,271 97,758
2002..... 72,018 70,366 1,505 147 8,166 105,924
2003..... 78,102 76,341 1,595 165 6,653 112,577
2004..... 84,852 82,976 1,693 183 4,562 117,139
2005..... 92,126 90,125 1,798 203 2,328 119,467
1/ Beginning in 1966, includes payments for vocational rehabilitation services
furnished to disabled persons receiving benefits because of their disabilities.
Beginning in 1983, amounts are reduced by amount of reimbursement for unnegoti-
ated benefit checks.
2/ Reflects repayment from the OASI Trust Fund of amounts borrowed from the
DI Trust Fund in 1982. The amount repaid in 1985 was $2,540 million;
in 1986, the amount was $2,541 million.
Note: Totals do not necessarily equal the sums of rounded components.