Table II.F2. - Estimated Operations of the DI Trust Fund by Alternative, Calendar Years 1995-2005
[Amounts in billions]
Net Fund Trust fund
Expen- increase at end -------------------
Calendar year Income ditures in fund of year Amount1/ Ratio2/
1995 3/...... $56.7 $42.1 $14.6 $37.6 $22.9 55
1996....... 60.9 45.4 15.5 53.1 37.6 83
1997....... 58.5 49.2 9.3 62.4 53.1 108
1998....... 61.4 52.9 8.5 70.9 62.4 118
1999....... 64.6 57.0 7.6 78.5 70.9 124
2000....... 71.7 61.7 10.0 88.5 78.5 127
2001....... 75.9 66.6 9.3 97.8 88.5 133
2002....... 80.2 72.0 8.2 105.9 97.8 136
2003....... 84.8 78.1 6.7 112.6 105.9 136
2004....... 89.4 84.9 4.6 117.1 112.6 133
2005....... 94.5 92.1 2.3 119.5 117.1 127
Low Cost:
1996....... 61.2 44.8 16.4 54.0 37.6 84
1997....... 59.7 47.6 12.1 66.1 54.0 113
1998....... 63.4 50.3 13.1 79.2 66.1 131
1999....... 67.7 53.4 14.3 93.4 79.2 148
2000....... 76.2 56.9 19.3 112.7 93.4 164
2001....... 81.7 60.5 21.2 133.9 112.7 186
2002....... 87.2 64.3 22.9 156.7 133.9 208
2003....... 92.8 68.6 24.2 180.9 156.7 229
2004....... 98.7 73.2 25.4 206.4 180.9 247
2005....... 105.1 78.3 26.8 233.2 206.4 264
High Cost:
1996....... 60.4 46.1 14.2 51.8 37.6 81
1997....... 56.2 50.8 5.4 57.2 51.8 102
1998....... 59.6 55.5 4.1 61.3 57.2 103
1999....... 62.5 62.2 .3 61.7 61.3 99
2000....... 67.8 69.3 -1.5 60.2 61.7 89
2001....... 71.7 76.5 -4.8 55.4 60.2 79
2002....... 75.6 84.5 -8.9 46.4 55.4 65
2003....... 79.2 93.3 -14.1 32.4 46.4 50
2004....... 82.5 102.8 -20.3 12.0 32.4 31
2005 4/.... 85.8 113.0 -27.2 -15.2 12.0 11
1/ Represents assets at beginning of year.
2/ Represents amounts shown in preceding column as a percentage of expenditures
during the year. See text concerning interpretation of these ratios.
3/ Figures for 1995 represent actual experience.
4/ Under the high cost alternative, the DI Trust Fund would be depleted in 2005,
when assets would become insufficient to pay benefits on time. Thus, figures
shown under the high cost alternative for 2005 are theoretical. See text for
Note: Totals do not necessarily equal the sums of rounded components.