Table II.F6. - Comparison of Income Rates and Cost Rates, by Trust Fund, Selected Calendar Years 1950-95, and Estimated Rates by Alternative, Calendar Years 1996-2005
[As a percentage of taxable payroll]
OASI Trust Fund DI Trust Fund OASI and DI, combined
-------------------- -------------------- ---------------------
Calendar Income Cost Bal- Income Cost Bal- Income Cost Bal-
year rate rate ance rate rate ance rate rate ance
Historical data:
1950.. 3.00 1.17 1.83 -- -- -- 3.00 1.17 1.83
1955.. 4.00 3.34 .66 -- -- -- 4.00 3.34 .66
1960.. 5.50 5.59 -.09 0.50 0.30 0.20 6.00 5.89 .11
1965.. 6.75 7.23 -.48 .50 .70 -.20 7.25 7.93 -.68
1970.. 7.30 7.32 -.02 1.10 .81 .29 8.40 8.12 .28
1975.. 8.75 9.29 -.54 1.15 1.36 -.21 9.90 10.65 -.75
1980.. 9.04 9.36 -.32 1.12 1.38 -.26 10.16 10.74 -.58
1985.. 1/ 10.71 9.94 .78 1/ 1.07 1.13 -.06 1/ 11.79 11.07 .72
1990.. 1/ 11.32 9.66 1.66 1/ 1.17 1.09 .09 1/ 12.49 10.75 1.74
1991.. 11.44 10.15 1.29 1.21 1.18 .03 12.65 11.33 1.32
1992 2/ 11.43 10.27 1.16 1.21 1.27 -.06 12.64 11.54 1.10
1993 2/ 11.40 10.35 1.06 1.21 1.35 -.14 12.61 11.70 .92
1994 2/ 10.70 10.22 .48 1.89 1.40 .49 12.59 11.62 .97
1995 2/ 1/ 10.70 10.20 .51 1/ 1.88 1.44 .44 1/ 12.59 11.64 .95
1996.. 10.73 10.15 .58 1.89 1.49 .40 12.63 11.64 .98
1997.. 10.92 10.15 .77 1.71 1.54 .17 12.63 11.69 .94
1998.. 10.92 10.13 .79 1.71 1.58 .13 12.63 11.72 .92
1999.. 10.93 10.14 .78 1.71 1.63 .08 12.64 11.77 .87
2000.. 1/ 10.83 10.15 .68 1/ 1.81 1.68 .13 1/ 12.65 11.84 .81
2001.. 10.84 10.16 .68 1.82 1.73 .09 12.65 11.89 .76
2002.. 10.84 10.16 .68 1.82 1.77 .04 12.66 11.93 .72
2003.. 10.84 10.15 .69 1.82 1.82 -.01 12.66 11.97 .69
2004.. 10.85 10.15 .70 1.82 1.88 -.06 12.67 12.03 .64
2005.. 10.85 10.14 .71 1.82 1.93 -.11 12.67 12.07 .61
Low Cost:
1996.. 10.73 10.06 .67 1.89 1.46 .43 12.62 11.52 1.10
1997.. 10.91 9.90 1.01 1.71 1.46 .25 12.62 11.36 1.26
1998.. 10.91 9.74 1.17 1.71 1.46 .25 12.62 11.20 1.42
1999.. 10.91 9.60 1.32 1.71 1.47 .25 12.63 11.06 1.56
2000.. 1/ 10.80 9.46 1.33 1/ 1.81 1.48 .34 1/ 12.61 10.94 1.67
2001.. 10.82 9.36 1.46 1.81 1.49 .33 12.63 10.85 1.78
2002.. 10.82 9.26 1.56 1.81 1.49 .32 12.63 10.76 1.88
2003.. 10.82 9.18 1.64 1.81 1.51 .30 12.64 10.69 1.94
2004.. 10.82 9.10 1.72 1.81 1.53 .28 12.64 10.63 2.01
2005.. 10.83 9.03 1.80 1.82 1.55 .26 12.64 10.58 2.06
High Cost:
1996.. 10.74 10.31 .43 1.89 1.54 .36 12.63 11.85 .78
1997.. 10.92 10.53 .40 1.71 1.65 .06 12.64 12.18 .46
1998.. 10.93 10.39 .53 1.71 1.70 .01 12.64 12.09 .55
1999.. 10.94 10.69 .24 1.72 1.82 -.11 12.65 12.52 .14
2000.. 1/ 10.89 11.06 -.17 1/ 1.82 1.97 -.15 1/ 12.70 13.03 -.32
2001.. 10.86 11.07 -.22 1.82 2.05 -.23 12.68 13.12 -.44
2002.. 10.86 11.11 -.25 1.82 2.13 -.31 12.68 13.24 -.56
2003.. 10.87 11.17 -.30 1.82 2.22 -.39 12.69 13.38 -.69
2004.. 10.88 11.25 -.37 1.82 2.31 -.49 12.70 13.56 -.86
2005.. 10.88 11.33 -.44 1.82 2.40 -.57 12.71 13.72 -1.02
1/ Income rates for 1985, 1990, 1995, and 2000 are modified to include adjust-
ments to the lump-sum payments received in 1983 from the general fund of the
Treasury for the cost of noncontributory wage credits for military service in
2/ Figures shown are preliminary.
1. The income rate excludes interest income and certain transfers from the
general fund of the Treasury.
2. Totals do not necessarily equal the sums of rounded components.