Table II.G2. - Estimated OASDI Income Rates, Cost Rates, and Actuarial Balances, Based on Intermediate Estimates With Various Death-Rate Assumptions
[As a percentage of taxable payroll]
Reduction in death rates 1/
Valuation period 16 percent 35 percent 55 percent
Summarized income rate:
25-year: 1996-2020.............. 13.53 13.54 13.55
50-year: 1996-2045.............. 13.33 13.35 13.37
75-year: 1996-2070.............. 13.30 13.33 13.37
Summarized cost rate:
25-year: 1996-2020.............. 12.95 13.18 13.40
50-year: 1996-2045.............. 14.23 14.74 15.26
75-year: 1996-2070.............. 14.77 15.52 16.37
25-year: 1996-2020.............. +.59 +.36 +.15
50-year: 1996-2045.............. -.90 -1.39 -1.89
75-year: 1996-2070.............. -1.48 -2.19 -3.00
1/ The measure of the reduction in death rates is the decrease in the age-sex-
adjusted death rate during 1995-2070.