Table III.E1. - Benefit Disbursements From the OASI Trust Fund With Respect to Disabled Beneficiaries, Selected Calendar Years 1960-1995 and Estimated Future Disbursements During 1996-2005 Based on Intermediate Assumptions
[Beneficiaries in thousands; benefit payments in millions]
Disabled beneficiaries, end of year Amount of benefit payments1/
----------------------------------- ----------------------------
Widows- Widows-
Calendar year Total Children2/ widowers3/ Total Children2/ widowers4/
Historical data:
1960....... 117 117 -- $59 $59 --
1965....... 214 214 -- 134 134 --
1970....... 316 281 36 301 260 $41
1975....... 435 376 58 664 560 104
1980....... 519 460 59 1,223 1,097 126
1985....... 594 547 47 2,072 1,885 187
1986....... 614 565 49 2,219 2,022 197
1987....... 629 580 49 2,331 2,128 203
1988....... 633 584 49 2,518 2,307 211
1989....... 651 602 49 2,680 2,459 221
1990....... 662 613 49 2,882 2,649 233
1991....... 687 627 61 3,179 2,875 304
1992....... 715 643 72 3,459 3,079 380
1993....... 740 659 81 3,752 3,296 456
1994....... 758 671 86 3,973 3,481 492
1995....... 772 681 91 4,202 3,672 531
1996....... 794 698 96 4,442 3,865 577
1997....... 809 713 96 4,711 4,098 613
1998....... 823 728 96 4,980 4,350 630
1999....... 837 743 95 5,267 4,620 647
2000....... 851 757 93 5,569 4,906 664
2001....... 863 771 92 5,882 5,204 678
2002....... 874 785 89 6,216 5,528 688
2003....... 885 798 86 6,571 5,873 697
2004....... 894 811 84 6,949 6,240 709
2005....... 904 823 81 7,344 6,622 721
1/ Beginning in 1966, includes payments for vocational rehabilitation services.
2/ Also includes certain mothers and fathers (see text).
3/ In 1984 and later years, only disabled widows and widowers aged 50-59 are
included because disabled widows and widowers aged 60-64 would be eligible for
the same benefit as a nondisabled aged widow; therefore, they are not receiving
benefits solely because of a disability.
4/ In 1983 and prior years, reflects the offsetting effect of lower benefits
payable to disabled widows and widowers who continue to receive benefits after
attaining age 60 (62, for disabled widowers, prior to 1973) as compared to the
higher nondisabled widow's and widower's benefits that would otherwise be
payable. In 1984 and later years, only benefit payments to disabled widows and
widowers aged 50-59 are included (see footnote 3).
Note: Totals do not necessarily equal the sums of rounded components.