Table III.E2. - Benefit Disbursements Under the OASDI Program With Respect to Disabled Beneficiaries, by Trust Fund, Selected Calendar Years 1960-95, and Estimated Future Disbursements During 1996-2005 Based on Intermediate Assumptions
[Amounts in millions]
OASI Trust Fund
DI Trust Percentage
Calendar year Total1/ Fund2/ Amount3/ of total
Historical data:
1960.............. $627 $568 $59 9.4
1965.............. 1,707 1,573 134 7.9
1970.............. 3,386 3,085 301 8.9
1975.............. 9,169 8,505 664 7.2
1980.............. 16,738 15,515 1,223 7.3
1985.............. 20,908 18,836 2,072 9.9
1986.............. 22,075 19,856 2,219 10.1
1987.............. 22,858 20,527 2,331 10.2
1988.............. 24,226 21,708 2,518 10.4
1989.............. 25,591 22,911 2,680 10.5
1990.............. 27,717 24,835 2,882 10.4
1991.............. 30,877 27,698 3,179 10.3
1992.............. 34,583 31,124 3,459 10.0
1993.............. 38,378 34,626 3,752 9.8
1994.............. 41,730 37,757 3,973 9.5
1995.............. 45,140 40,937 4,202 9.3
1996.............. 48,725 44,284 4,442 9.1
1997.............. 52,658 47,948 4,711 8.9
1998.............. 56,624 51,645 4,980 8.8
1999.............. 60,914 55,647 5,267 8.6
2000.............. 65,793 60,224 5,569 8.5
2001.............. 70,988 65,106 5,882 8.3
2002.............. 76,597 70,381 6,216 8.1
2003.............. 82,927 76,356 6,571 7.9
2004.............. 89,941 82,992 6,949 7.7
2005.............. 97,485 90,141 7,344 7.5
1/ Beginning in 1966, includes payments for vocational rehabilitation services.
2/ Benefit payments to disabled workers and their children and spouses.
3/ Benefit payments to disabled children aged 18 and over, to certain mothers
and fathers (see text), and to disabled widows and widowers (see footnote 4,
table III.E1).
Note: Totals do not necessarily equal the sums of rounded components.