THE Social Security Building has been the
headquarters of the Social Security Administration since 1960.
The Administration Wing, a ten-story structure
at the front of the building, houses the Office of the Commissioner
and administrative staff of the nine divisions. The Commissioner,
the Division of the Actuary, and the Division of Research and Statistics
also maintain offices in Washington, D.C. The offices of the Bureau
of Hearings and Appeals and of the Bureau of Federal Credit Unions
are also located in Washington.
The four-story Operations Wing, directly
behind the Administration Wing, is the recordkeeping center; more
than a million personal records a day are processed here by the
Division of Accounting Operations.
The four-story structure adjacent to the
Operations Wing is given over to disability operations and includes
staff of both the Division of Disability Operations and the Baltimore
Payment Center.
The electrical power used by the Social Security
Building is equivalent to that used by a residential community of
35,000. And the building resembles a small city in other ways with
its own post office, printing plant, credit union, graphics shop,
and special police force.
1,382,000 square feet. |
$36 million. Financed
with money appropriated by Congress from the social security
trust funds. |
Approximately 10,000. |
special (technical) library
with 50,000 volumes including 10,000 legal books. |
seats 500, can be expanded
for additional 500 seats. |
space for 4,000 cars. |
seats 1,000. |
one of the largest public
fallout shelters in the country--equipped to handle 42,000
people in the event of a nuclear attack. |
The Social Security Building, national
headquarters for this country's social security program, is
located on a 140 acre site about 9 miles from downtown Baltimore
and 43 miles from the center of Washington, D.C.
In this building, the fifth largest Federal office building
in the U.S.A., are kept the earnings records of more than
100 million people. Here social security benefits are figured
for more than 70,000 men, women, and children each week. And
from this headquarters the activities of 613 social security
district offices all over the United States--from New York
to Hawaii, from Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands to Alaska--are
directed. |