Thank you for visiting the Social Security Administration's New York Region web site
Social Security's New York Region proudly serves the states of New Jersey and New York, the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands. Virtually every resident in the New York Region will interact with Social Security during his or her life and we know how important our services are to those who use them.
For more than eight decades, the Social Security Administration has served the American people, providing the major source of income for most of our seniors. Social Security, however, is more than just retirement benefits. Social Security pays benefits to disabled workers and their dependents as well as the families of deceased workers. We administer the Supplemental Security Income program, a program based on need for people age 65 or older and people with disabilities, regardless of age. We also help Medicare beneficiaries with limited income and resources apply for extra help with the cost of their prescription drugs under the new Medicare Prescription Drug Program.
We are a region of employees who strive for quality in both the programs we administer and the services we deliver. We believe in our mission of public service and continuously look for ways to improve our service to you. Service to the public is our guiding principle as we set our priorities and look at how we do the work.
We take pride in our role as steward for the American taxpayer, ensuring that our payments are accurate and made only to those entitled to receive them.
Please send us any comments or suggestions you have about our web site.