Short-Range Actuarial Projections of the Old-Age, Survivors, and Disability Insurance Program, 2001
Actuarial Study No. 115
Chris Motsiopoulos and Tim Zayatz, A.S.A. |
Table III.B68—Disabled Widowers of Deceased Workers With Benefits Withheld
(By age, end of calendar years 1975-2000 and calendar half years 2001-10)
[Numbers in thousands]
Calendar period |
Withheld |
Percent of disabled widower beneficiaries in force |
1.136 |
1.587 |
1.402 |
2.000 |
1.626 |
1.794 |
3.356 |
4.487 |
3.744 |
6.237 |
4.314 |
5.556 |
0.1 |
7.910 |
5.740 |
7.077 |
0.1 |
.1 |
10.976 |
4.866 |
8.426 |
.1 |
.1 |
8.681 |
6.214 |
7.516 |
.1 |
0.1 |
.2 |
13.860 |
13.115 |
13.475 |
.1 |
.1 |
.2 |
15.294 |
16.998 |
16.186 |
.1 |
.1 |
.2 |
15.982 |
17.761 |
16.880 |
.1 |
.1 |
.2 |
14.863 |
17.532 |
16.216 |
.1 |
.1 |
.3 |
14.548 |
17.380 |
15.943 |
.1 |
.1 |
.3 |
15.827 |
16.947 |
16.387 |
.1 |
.2 |
.3 |
14.554 |
18.971 |
16.792 |
.1 |
.2 |
.3 |
13.239 |
18.595 |
16.036 |
.1 |
.2 |
.3 |
12.152 |
18.691 |
15.510 |
.1 |
.2 |
.3 |
10.503 |
17.048 |
13.651 |
.1 |
.2 |
.3 |
9.503 |
15.781 |
12.443 |
.1 |
.2 |
.4 |
8.609 |
14.894 |
11.495 |
.1 |
.2 |
.4 |
7.812 |
13.874 |
10.668 |
.2 |
.3 |
.4 |
7.463 |
14.264 |
10.772 |
.2 |
.3 |
.4 |
7.397 |
13.435 |
10.315 |
.2 |
.3 |
.4 |
6.904 |
12.124 |
9.422 |
.2 |
.3 |
.4 |
6.262 |
11.148 |
8.631 |
.2 |
.3 |
.5 |
5.914 |
11.365 |
8.540 |
.2 |
.3 |
.5 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
8.169 |
.2 |
.3 |
.5 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.459 |
.2 |
.3 |
.5 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
8.141 |
.2 |
.3 |
.5 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.438 |
.2 |
.3 |
.5 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
8.123 |
.2 |
.4 |
.6 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.413 |
.2 |
.4 |
.6 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
8.097 |
.2 |
.4 |
.6 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.376 |
.2 |
.4 |
.6 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
8.053 |
.3 |
.4 |
.7 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.326 |
.3 |
.4 |
.7 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
8.004 |
.3 |
.5 |
.8 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.276 |
.3 |
.4 |
.8 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
7.957 |
.3 |
.5 |
.8 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.236 |
.3 |
.5 |
.8 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
7.946 |
.3 |
.5 |
.8 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.233 |
.3 |
.5 |
.8 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
7.932 |
.4 |
.5 |
.9 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.225 |
.3 |
.5 |
.8 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
7.931 |
.4 |
.5 |
.9 |
5.807 |
11.490 |
8.244 |
.4 |
.5 |
.9 |
5.648 |
11.015 |
7.967 |
· Historical numbers of beneficiaries withheld computed as number in force minus number in current-payment status; future numbers of beneficiaries withheld computed by applying applicable percentage to number of beneficiaries in force.
· Historical percentages of disabled widowers computed by dividing number withheld by number in force; future percentages for each age group projected to remain at last known rate (June or December).
Note: Future estimates based on 2001 Trustees Report intermediate set of assumptions.
List of Studies
December 26, 2001