The future income and cost of the OASDI program will depend on many demographic, economic, and program-specific factors. Trust fund income will depend on how these factors affect the size and composition of the working population as well as the level and distribution of earnings. Similarly, program cost will depend on how these factors affect the size and composition of the beneficiary population as well as the general level of benefits.The Trustees make basic assumptions for several of these factors based on analysis of historical trends, historical conditions, and expected future conditions. These factors include fertility, mortality, immigration, marriage, divorce, productivity, inflation, average earnings, unemployment, real interest rates, and disability incidence and termination. Other factors depend on these basic assumptions. These other, often interdependent, factors include total population, life expectancy, labor force participation, gross domestic product, and program-specific factors. Each year the Trustees reexamine these assumptions and methods in light of new information and make appropriate revisions. The assumptions for this report were established by the middle of January 2017, and have been accepted by the current members of the Board.Future levels of these factors and their interrelationships are inherently uncertain. To address these uncertainties, this report uses three sets of assumptions, designated as intermediate (alternative II), low-cost (alternative I), and high-cost (alternative III). The intermediate set represents the Trustees’ best estimate of the future course of the population and the economy. With regard to the net effect on the actuarial status of the OASDI program, the low-cost set is more optimistic and the high-cost set is more pessimistic. The low-cost and high-cost sets of assumptions reflect significant potential changes in the interrelationships among factors, as well as changes in the values for individual factors.While it is unlikely that all of the factors and interactions will differ in the specified directions from the intermediate values, many combinations of individual differences in the factors could have a similar overall effect. Outcomes with overall long-range cost as low as the low-cost scenario or as high as the high-cost scenario are very unlikely. This report also includes sensitivity analysis, where factors are changed one at a time (see appendix D), and a stochastic projection, which provides a probability distribution of possible future outcomes, with each input assumption centered around the intermediate alternative (see appendix E).The following sections briefly discuss the various assumptions and methods required to make the estimates of trust fund financial status, which are the heart of this report.1 There are, of course, many interrelationships among these factors that are important but are beyond the scope of this discussion.A. DEMOGRAPHIC ASSUMPTIONS AND METHODSBirth rates by single year of age, for women aged 14 to 49,2 are the basis for the fertility assumptions. These rates apply to the total number of women, across all marital statuses, in the midyear population at each age. Table V.A1 displays the historical and projected total fertility rates.3Historical death rates are calculated for years 1900 through 2014 for ages below 65 (and for all ages for years prior to 1968) using data from the National Center for Health Statistics (NCHS).4 For ages 65 and over, final Medicare data on deaths and enrollments for years 1968 through 2013 and preliminary data for 2014 are used. Death rates by cause of death are produced for all ages for years 1979‑2014 using data from the NCHS.The total age-sex-adjusted death rate5 declined at an average annual rate of 1.05 percent between 1900 and 2014. Between 1979 and 2014, the period for which death rates were analyzed by cause, the total age-sex-adjusted death rate, for all causes combined, declined at an average rate of 0.93 percent per year.Table V.A1 contains historical and projected age-sex-adjusted death rates for the total population (all ages), for ages under 65, and for ages 65 and over. Age-sex adjustment eliminates the effect of a changing distribution of population by age and sex, allowing the pure effects of changes in death rates to be observed. Under the intermediate assumptions, projected age-sex-adjusted death rates are, in general, slightly higher than the death rates in last year’s report for both the age group under 65 and the age group 65 and over. These changes primarily result from incorporating more recent historical data.Demographers express a wide range of views on the likely rate of future decline in death rates. For example, some believe that the long-standing historical tendency for mortality to decline more slowly at the highest ages will cease in the future. Others believe that biological factors, social factors, and limitations on health care spending may slow future rates of decline in mortality.6
Total fertility rateb d805.4 d4,501.1 e787.9 e243.2 e4,419.6 e1.87 e779.8 e240.8 e4,373.7
Immigration assumptions differ for the low-cost, intermediate, and high-cost scenarios. The low-cost scenario includes higher annual net immigration and the high-cost scenario includes lower annual net immigration. Table V.A2 contains historical and projected levels of various immigration flows.
Table V.A2.—Immigration Assumptions,a Calendar Years 1940-2095 Other-than-legal immigrationb 2015 5 2016 6
4. Total Population EstimatesThis report presents a July 1 (i.e., midyear) population for each year, which is derived from surrounding December populations. Table V.A3 shows the historical and projected population for July 1 by broad age group, for the three alternatives. It also shows the aged and total dependency ratios (see table footnotes for definitions).
Ageda Totalb 2015c
• Cohort life expectancy does not use death rates for a single year, but for the series of years in which the individual will actually reach each succeeding age if he or she survives. Cohort life expectancy provides an individual’s expected average remaining lifetime at a selected age in a given year, using actual or expected future changes in death rates. Table V.A5 presents historical and projected life expectancy calculated on a cohort basis. Cohort life expectancy is somewhat greater than period life expectancy for a given year because: (1) death rates at any age tend to decline over time; and (2) cohort life expectancy uses death rates from future years, while period life expectancy uses death rates only from the given year.Life expectancy at a given age reflects death rates at that and all older ages. Period life expectancy is somewhat related to the age-sex-adjusted death rate discussed in section V.A.2. However, life expectancy places far greater weight on death rates at lower ages than at higher ages. Therefore, changes in death rates at lower ages have far greater effects in changing life expectancy over time. It is important to keep this concept in mind when considering trends in life expectancy.
Table V.A4.—Period Life Expectancya 2015c
Table V.A5.—Cohort Life Expectancya At birthb At age 65c
Actuarial Studies published by the Office of the Chief Actuary, Social Security Administration, contain further details about the assumptions, methods, and actuarial estimates. A complete list of available studies may be found at To obtain copies of such studies or of this report, please submit a request at or write to: Office of the Chief Actuary, 700 Altmeyer Building, 6401 Security Boulevard, Baltimore, MD 21235. This entire report, along with supplemental year-by-year tables and additional documentation on assumptions and methods, may be found at
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